نتایج جستجو

Rereading Schleiermacher: Translation, Cognition and Culture
Teresa Seruya, 2016
Reflections on translation
Susan Bassnett, 2011
Ergonomic Checkpoints: Practical and Easy-to-Implement Solutions for Improving Safety, Health and Working Conditions
International Labour Organisation, 2010
The Translation of Father Torturo
Brendan Connell, 2005
Selected works of Giuseppe Peano translated from the Italian
Giuseppe Peano, 1973
Selected works of Giuseppe Peano translated from the Italian
Giuseppe Peano, 1973
Ritual Murder: Investigation (unofficial English translation by R. Belser)
Hellmut Schramm, 1943
The Suan Shu Shu: A Translation and Study of the Earliest Chinese Mathematical Text
Christopher Cullen, 2004
Мир перевода, или Вечный поиск взаимопонимания
А. Чужакин, 2004
Ремесло технического переводчика
Климзо Б. Н., 2006
خاطرات روسپيان سودازده من
نوشته گابريل گارسيا ماركز؛ ترجمه اميرحسين فطانت
تراژدی هملت | The Tragedy of Hamlet: Prince of Denmark
ویلیام شیکسپیر ترجمه بهزاد جزایری, 2015
Process-based Strategic Planning: Translated from German by Anthony Clark
Professor Rudolf Grünig, 2008
Graphic design, translated = Le language du graphisme
Peter J Wolf, 2010
Graphic Design, Translated: A Visual Directory of Terms for Global Design
Peter J Wolf, 2010