نتایج جستجو

Applied Multiway Data Analysis (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
Pieter M. Kroonenberg, 2008
A Matrix Handbook for Statisticians (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
George A. F. Seber, 2007
Dictionary of Financial Engineering (Wiley Series in Financial Engineering)
John F. Marshall, 2000
Modern Polyesters: Chemistry and Technology of Polyesters and Copolyesters (Wiley Series in Polymer Science)
John Scheirs, Timothy E. Long, 2003
Modern Polyesters: Chemistry and Technology of Polyesters and Copolyesters (Wiley Series in Polymer Science)
John Scheirs, Timothy E. Long, 2003
Offence Paralleling Behaviour: A Case Formulation Approach to Offender Assessment and Intervention (Wiley Series in Forensic Clinical Psychology)
Michael Daffern, Lawrence Jones, John Shine, 2010
Operational Risk with Excel and VBA: Applied Statistical Methods for Risk Management (Wiley Finance)
Nigel Da Costa Lewis, 2004
Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials: Concepts and Methodologies, Second Edition (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
Shein-Chung Chow, Jen-Pei Liu, 2003
Liquid chromatography column theory (Wiley)
Scott R.P.W.
The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Psychology, Technology and Society
Larry D. Rosen, Nancy Cheever, L. Mark Carrier (eds.), 2015
A Handbook for the Assessment of Children's Behaviours, Includes Wiley Desktop Edition
Jonathan O.H. Williams, Peter D. Hill, 2012
Caring for Children and Families (Wiley Series in Nursing)
Ian Peate, Lisa Whiting, 2006
Children's Testimony: A Handbook of Psychological Research and Forensic Practice (Wiley Series in Psychology of Crime, Policing and Law)
Helen L. Westcott, Graham M. Davies, Ray Bull, 2002
Introduction to Microdisplays (Wiley Series in Display Technology)
David Armitage, Ian Underwood, Shin-Tson Wu, 2006
Scientific Visualization: The Visual Extraction of Knowledge from Data
Benjamin F. Gregorski, David F. Wiley, Henry R. Childs, Bernd Hamann, Kenneth I. Joy (auth.), Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Thomas Ertl, Gregory M. Nielson (eds.), 2006