نتایج جستجو

Buddhism and Business: Merit, Material Wealth, and Morality in the Global Market Economy
Elizabeth Williams-Oerberg Trine Brox, 2021
Álgebra lineal aplicada a las ciencias económicas (2a. ed.).
Martín Díaz Rodríguez, 2000
A escravidão na Roma antiga: política, economia e cultura
Fábio Duarte Joly, 2005
Management Training and Development in China: Educating Managers in a Globalized Economy
Malcolm Warner, Keith Goodall, 2009
[美]保罗·斯威齐; Paul Sweezy;陈观烈(译); 秦亚男(译), 2017
The Political Economy of Conflict and Violence Against Women: Cases from the South
Kumudini Samuel; Claire Slatter; Vagisha Gunasekara, 2019
The Political Economy of Conflict and Violence Against Women: Towards Feminist Framings From the South
Kumudini Samuel; Claire Slatter; Vagisha Gunasekara, 2019
Behavioral Public Economics: Social Incentives and Social Preferences
Shinji Teraji, 2021
The Economics and Business of Sustainability
Peter N. Nemetz, 2021
The Moral Economy of Elections in Africa: Democracy, Voting and Virtue
Nic Cheeseman, Gabrielle Lynch, Justin Willis, 2020
Digitization of Economy and Society: Emerging Paradigms
Sudeshna Basu Mukherjee (editor), Saheli Guha Neogi Ghatak (editor), Nilanjan Ray (editor), 2021
[比]艾尔纳斯特‧曼德尔; Ernest Mandel; 廉佩直(译), 1979
[比]艾尔纳斯特‧曼德尔; Ernest Mandel; 廉佩直(译), 1964
厄内斯特‧曼德尔; Ernest Mandel; 张乃烈(译), 2009
黄春兴, 2015
制度是如何演化的: 德国、英国、美国和日本的技能政治经济学
凯瑟琳·西伦, 2010
马克思主义经济学史 : 1929-1990
M.C.霍尔德, 2003
The UN and Global Political Economy: Trade, Finance, and Development
John Toye and Richard Toye, 2004
许新, 2003
Pascal Salin, 1991
Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach
Hal R. Varian, 2014