نتایج جستجو

Dynamic force spectroscopy and biomolecular recognition
Anna Rita Bizzarri, 2012
Pragmatics across Languages and Cultures (Handbook of Pragmatics)
Anna Trosborg, 2010
Us and Others: Social Identities across Languages, Discourses and Cultures
Anna Duszak (ed.), 2002
The Magnificent Monarch: Charles II and the Ceremonies of Power
Anna Keay, 2008
Yesterday and Today in the U.S.A. : Intermediate ESL Reader, Second Edition (Student Book)
Anna Harris Live, 1988
Ultrasonography of the Pancreas: Imaging and Pathologic Correlations
Anna Gallotti, 2012
Front Row: Anna Wintour: The Cool Life and Hot Times of Vogue's Editor in Chief
Jerry Oppenheimer, 2005
Getting Over It: A Novel
Anna Maxted, 2000
On the Definition of Word
Anna Maria Di Sciullo, 1987
On the Definition of Word (Linguistic Inquiry Monographs 14)
Anna Maria Di Sciullo
Projections and Interface Conditions: Essays on Modularity
Anna-Maria Di Sciullo, 1997
Soft Computing in Management and Business Economics: Volume 1
Anna M. Gil-Lafuente, 2012
Alexandra, Gone
Anna McPartlin, 2010
Recent Advances in Nonlinear Speech Processing
Anna Esposito, 2016
Bateau Mouche - Uma tragédia brasileira
Ivan Sant’Anna, 2015
Il Core Competence e il Core Curriculum del logopedista
Anna Giulia De Cagno (auth.), 2010
The Alexiad, translated by Elizabeth A. S. Dawes
Anna Comnena, 2000
Creativity in Education
Anna Craft, 2001