نتایج جستجو

Solar Hydrogen Generation Toward a Renewable Energy Future
Krishnan Rajeshwar, Robert McConnell, Stuart Licht, 2008
Solar Hydrogen Generation: Toward a Renewable Energy Future
Krishnan Rajeshwar, Robert McConnell, Stuart Licht, 2008
The Physical Chemist's Toolbox
Robert M. Metzger, 2012
Ada 95 Quality and Style
Christine Ausnit-Hood, Kent A. Johnson, Robert G. Pettit IV, Steven B. Opdahl (eds.), 1995
Algorithms (Addison-Wesley series in computer science)
Robert Sedgewick, 1983
Algorithms (Алгоритмы)
Robert Sedgewick, 1983
Dictionary of Computer Vision and Image Processing
Robert B. Fisher, Kenneth Dawson-Howe, Andrew Fitzgibbon, Craig Robertson, Emanuele Trucco, 2005
Remote Sensing, Third Edition: Models and Methods for Image Processing
Robert A. Schowengerdt, 2006
Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++
Abhijit S. Pandya, Robert B. Macy, 1996
Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++
Abhijit S. Pandya, Robert B. Macy, 1995
Pattern Recognition: 28th DAGM Symposium, Berlin, Germany, September 12-14, 2006. Proceedings
Yael Erez, Yoav Y. Schechner, Dan Adam (auth.), Katrin Franke, Klaus-Robert Müller, Bertram Nickolay, Ralf Schäfer (eds.), 2006
The Dissimilarity Representation for Pattern Recognition: Foundations and Applications
Elzbieta Pekalska, Robert P. W. Duin, 2005
The Dissimilarity Representation for Pattern Recognition: Foundations and Applications
Elzbieta Pekalska, Robert P. W. Duin, 2005
On the public key watermarking issue
Picard Robert
Building natural language generation systems
Ehud Reiter, Robert Dale, 2000
Introduction to Neuro-Fuzzy Systems
Prof. Robert Fullér (auth.), 2000
Advances in Cryptology: Proceedings of CRYPTO 84
S C Serpell, C B Brookson, B L Clark (auth.), George Robert Blakley, David Chaum (eds.), 1985
Public Key Cryptography – PKC 2004: 7th International Workshop on Theory and Practice in Public Key Cryptography, Singapore, March 1-4, 2004. Proceedings
Johannes Blömer, Alexander May (auth.), Feng Bao, Robert Deng, Jianying Zhou (eds.), 2004
RSA Security's official guide to cryptography
Jan Pelzl, Thomas Wollinger, Christof Paar (auth.), Mitsuru Matsui, Robert J. Zuccherato (eds.), 2001
Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration
Paul Atkinson, Robert Vieira
Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Programming
Paul Atkinson, Robert Vieira, 2012
Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Programming
Paul Atkinson, (Software engineer); Robert Vieira, 2012
Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2012 programming
Robert Sheldon, Geoff Moes, 2012