نتایج جستجو

New Right, New Racism: Race and Reaction in the United States and Britain
Amy Elizabeth Ansell (auth.), 1997
Self-Injury, Medicine and Society: Authentic Bodies
Amy Chandler (auth.), 2016
Revolutionary Imaginings in the 1790s: Charlotte Smith, Mary Robinson, Elizabeth Inchbald
Amy Garnai (auth.), 2009
Women’s Life Writing, 1700–1850: Gender, Genre and Authorship
Daniel Cook, Amy Culley (eds.), 2012
In the Game: Race, Identity, and Sports in the Twentieth Century
Amy Bass (eds.), 2005
Amy S. Gladfelter (Eds.), 2016
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques and Strategies
Amy Wenzel, Keith S. Dobson, and Pamela A. Hays, 2016
Essential Law Dictionary
Amy Hackney Blackwell, 2008
Vision Rehabilitation
Cynthia Stuen, Aries Arditi, Amy Horowitz, Mary Ann Lang, Bruce Rosenthal, Karen Seidman, 2000
Meyerhold and the Cubists: Perspectives on Painting and Performance
Amy Skinner, 2015
Learning to Die in London, 1380-1540
Amy Appleford, 2015
John Chrysostom as Apologist
Margaret Amy Schatkin
Clinical Core Laboratory Testing
Ross Molinaro, Christopher R. McCudden, Marjorie Bonhomme, Amy Saenger (eds.), 2017
Poor Girl Gourmet Eat in Style on a Bare Bones Budget
Amy McCoy, 2010
Poor Girl Gourmet Eat in Style on a Bare Bones Budget
Amy McCoy, 2010
The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Imagination
Amy Kind, 2016
Being an Early Career Feminist Academic: Global Perspectives, Experiences and Challenges
Rachel Thwaites, Amy Pressland (eds.), 2017
Anthropological Perspectives on Student Futures: Youth and the Politics of Possibility
Amy Stambach, Kathleen D. Hall (eds.), 2017
D.W. Winnicott and Political Theory: Recentering the Subject
Matthew H. Bowker, Amy Buzby (eds.), 2017
Dependent Agency in the Global Health Regime: Local African Responses to Donor AIDS Efforts
Emma-Louise Anderson, Amy S. Patterson (auth.), 2017
A Woman’s Place: The Crucial Roles of Women in Family Business
Ann M. Dugan, Sharon P. Krone, Kelly LeCouvie, Jennifer M. Pendergast, Denise H. Kenyon-Rouvinez, Amy M. Schuman (auth.), 2011
Engaged: The Neuroscience behind Creating Productive People in Successful Organizations
Amy Brann (auth.), 2015