نتایج جستجو

Contro i cristiani-Il discorso di verità
Aulo Cornelio Celso, Salvatore Rizzo (editor), 1989
Contra Galileos. Introduzione, testo critico e traduzione
Flavio Claudio Giuliano, Giuliano Imperatore, Emanuela Masaracchia (editor), 1990
Che cos'è l'essere vivente e che cos'è l'uomo? Testo greco a fronte
Plotino, Carlo Marzolo (editor), 2015
Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering: 6 Volume Set
Kai Chang (editor), 2005
New Trends and Challenges in Information Science and Information Seeking Behaviour: 193 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 193)
Octavia-Luciana Madge (editor), 2021
Cattolicesimo romano e forma politica. La visibilità della Chiesa. Una riflessione scolastica
Carl Schmitt, Carlo Galli (editor), 1986
Donoso Cortés. Interpretato in una prospettiva paneuropea
Carl Schmitt, Petra Dal Santo (editor), 1996
The Oxford Handbook of Stress, Health, and Coping
Susan Folkman Ph.D. (editor), 2010
The Oxford Handbook of the History of Psychology: Global Perspectives
David B. Baker (editor), 2012
The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Foreign Relations Law
Curtis A. Bradley (editor), 2019
The Oxford Handbook of Global Legal Pluralism
Paul Schiff Berman (editor), 2020
The Oxford Handbook of Global Legal Pluralism
Paul Schiff Berman (editor), 2020
The Use of Psychological Testing for Treatment Planning and Outcomes Assessment
Mark E. Maruish (editor), 1994
The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Nineteenth-Century Spain
Elisa Martí-López (editor), 2020
苏章恺; 苏章恺 (editor), 2016
Alain Badiou, Livio Boni (editor), 2006
Developments in Intelligent Agent Technologies and Multi-Agent Systems: Concepts and Applications
Goran Trajkovski (editor), 2010
Advanced Methods for Complex Network Analysis
Natarajan Meghanathan (editor), 2016
House Most High: The Temples of Ancient Mesopotamia
A. R. George (editor), 2004
Ilmu Kandungan
Mochamad Anwar, Ali Baziad, R. Prajitno Prabowo (editor), 2011
Cultural Values in Strategy and Organization
T. K. Das (editor), 2021
Realität und Realismus
Hans Blumenberg; Nicola Zambon (editor), 2020
Enhancing Clinical Case Formulation: Theoretical and Practical Approaches for Mental Health Practitioners
Patrick Ryan (editor), 2019