نتایج جستجو

El aplicativo SMART como herramienta para la gestión de información de vigilancia y control en las Áreas Naturales Protegidas del Perú
David Velarde, Ovidio Monzon, Jorge Martínez, Alicia Kuroiwa, Martín Reátegui, Edgar Vicuña, Alejandra Anchate, 2016
Capital social y logro ocupacional en contextos de segregación
Martín Benavides, Juan León, Álvaro Paredes, Diana La Riva, 2019
Disorientations: Spanish Colonialism in Africa and the Performance of Identity
Susan Martin-Márquez, 2008
The Winter of Discontent: Myth, Memory, and History (Studies in Labour History LUP)
Tara Martin López, 2014
The Art of Dead Space
Martin Robinson, 2013
Ice blink : navigating northern environmental history
Brad Martin (editor); Stephen Bocking (editor), 2017
La memoria de Manuel de Argumaniz. Un empresario peruano del siglo XIX
Manuel de Argumaniz, (aut.); Fermando Armas, Martín Monsalve, (eds.), 2019
The Climbing Bible: Practical Exercises : Technique and strength training for climbing
Mobråten, Martin Mobraten; Christophersen, Stian, 2022
Metal Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions and More
Armin de Meijere (editor), Stefan Bräse (editor), Martin Oestreich (editor), 2014
Federico Gálvez Durand y el nacimiento de la arqueología en el valle del Mantaro (Junín). Escritos seleccionados y otros documentos en torno a su obra
Federico Gálvez Durand, (aut.); Martín Arauzo, (ed.), 2019
From the Lab to the Classroom and Back Again: Perspectives on Translation and Interpreting Training (New Trends in Translation Studies)
Celia Martín de León (editor), Víctor González-Ruiz (editor), 2016
Essays in Mathematical Economics, in Honor of Oskar Morgenstern
Martin Shubik (ed.), 1967
An Old Zand-Pahlavi Glossary: Edited in the Original Characters
Martin Haug, 2008
Building a Bigger Europe: Eu and NATO Enlargement in Comparative Perspective
Martin Abbott Smith; Graham Timmins, 2000
The Road to Rivoli: Napoleon's First Campaign
Martin Boycott-Brown, 2001
Central Organizations of Defense
Martin Edmonds, 2019
Mutualism and Health Care: Hospital Contributory Schemes in Twentieth-Century Britain
Martin Gorsky; John Mohan; Tim Willis, 2013
Value Stream Mapping: How to Visualize Work and Align Leadership for Organizational Transformation
Karen Martin, Mike Osterling, 2013
Human and Societal Security in the Circumpolar Arctic: Special Focus on Local and Indigenous Communities
Kamrul Hossain; Jose Miguel Roncero Martin; Anna Petrétei, 2018
Guías técnicas de proyectos de ecoturismo: Guía de Interpretación del Patrimonio Natural y Cultural (San Martín, Perú)
César Lazo, Gilbert Arróspide, Ernesto Gálmez, 2011