نتایج جستجو

Chronicle of the Third Crusade: A Translation of the Itinerarium Peregrinorum et Gesta Regis Ricardi
Helen J. Nicholson, 2019
Natural Materials of the Holy Land and the Visual Translation of Place, 500–1500
Renana Bartal, Neta Bodner, and Bianca Kühnel, 2017
Manuel de Traductologie
Jörn Albrecht; René Métrich, 2016
Deity, Mantra, and Wisdom: Development Stage Meditation in Tibetan Buddhist Tantra
Jigme Lingpa, Getse Mahapandita Tsewang Chokdrub, Trulshik Rinpoche, Chökyi Nyima, Dharmachakra Translation Committee Translator, 2007
Horace Odes III Dulce Periculum: Text, Translation, and Commentary
David West, 2002
Horace Odes III Dulce Periculum: Text, Translation, and Commentary
David West, 2002
Lao Tzu: Te-Tao Ching - A New Translation Based on the Recently Discovered Ma-wang-tui Texts (Classics of Ancient China)
Lao Tzu, Robert G. Henricks, 1992
Pseudo-Skylax’s Periplous: the Circumnavigation of the Inhabited World. Text, Translation and Commentary
Shipley, Graham (ed.), 2011
Secrets de l’histoire naturelle: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Ms Fr. 22971: Transcription and translation
John Friedman, Kristen Figg, Kathrin Giogoli, 2018
Arius Didymus on Peripatetic Ethics, Household Management, and Politics: Text, Translation, and Discussion
William W Fortenbaugh, 2017
Rabbis, Language and Translation in Late Antiquity
Willem F. Smelik, 2013
The Works of Archimedes: Translation and Commentary
Reviel Netz, 2017
The Routledge handbook of Arabic translation
El-Farahaty, Hanem; Hanna, Sameh; Khalifa, Abdel Wahab, 2020
The Vatican Mythographers: an English translation
Ronald E. Pepin, 2008
The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript in Modern English Prose Translation: Pearl, Cleanness, Patience, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Malcolm Andrew, Ronald Waldron (transl.), 2013
Ezekiel 38-48: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
Stephen L. Cook, 2018
Amos: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
Göran Eidevall, 2017
The Book of Emperors: A Translation of the Middle High German "Kaiserchronik"
Henry A. Myers (ed., transl.), 2013
Richard Wagner in Paris : translation, identity, modernity
Coleman, Jeremy; Wagner, Richard, 2019