نتایج جستجو

Wise Church: Forming a Wisdom Culture in Your Local Church
Scot McKnight, 2021
Korean Wave in World Englishes: The Linguistic Impact of Korea's Popular Culture
Brittany Khedun-Burgoine, Jieun Kiaer, 2022
The Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Popular Culture, Vol. 5: Sub-Saharan Africa
Dennis V. Hickey, 2007
A History of Modern Culture: Volume I
Preserved Smith, 2019
The Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Popular Culture, Vol. 3: Europe
Gerd Bayer, 2007
Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture
SNF-Projekt (editor), Menelaos Christopoulos (editor), Athina Papachrysostomou (editor), 2017
The Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Popular Culture, Vol. 1: North America
Michael K. Schoenecke, 2007
Redeem All: How Digital Life Is Changing Evangelical Culture
Corrina Laughlin, 2021
Food and culture
Pamela Goyan Kittler, Kathryn P. Sucher, 2007
The Ukrainian Impact on Russian Culture, 1750-1850
David Saunders, 1985
Writing National Cinema: Film Journals and Film Culture in Peru
Jeffrey Middents, 2009
The Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Popular Culture, Vol. 2: Latin America
John F. Bratzel, 2007
Culture and Change in Central European Prehistory: 6th to 1st millenium BC (2007)
Helle Vandkilde, 2007
Uncommon Anthropologist: Gladys Reichard and Western Native American Culture
Nancy Mattina, 2019
Shakespeare from the margins: language, culture, context
Patricia Parker, 1996
Histories of Health and Materiality in the Indian Ocean World: Medicine, Material Culture and Trade, 1600-2000
Anne Gerritsen, Burton Cleetus, 2023
La Culture de l'égoïsme
Cornelius Castoriadis-Christopher Lasch, 2012
Sex, Art, and American Culture: Essays
Camille Paglia, 1992