نتایج جستجو

Advances in Fluid-Structure Interaction: Updated contributions reflecting new findings presented at the ERCOFTAC Symposium on Unsteady Separation in Fluid-Structure Interaction, 17-21 June 2013, St John Resort, Mykonos, Greece
Marianna Braza, Alessandro Bottaro, Mark Thompson (eds.), 2016
Practicing History: New Directions in Historical Writing after the Linguistic Turn
Gabrielle M. Spiegel, 2005
After the new social democracy: social welfare for the twenty-first century
Tony Fitzpatrick, 2003
Image and Video Technology: 7th Pacific-Rim Symposium, PSIVT 2015, Auckland, New Zealand, November 25-27, 2015, Revised Selected Papers
Thomas Bräunl, Brendan McCane, Mariano Rivera, Xinguo Yu (eds.), 2016
Information Assurance and Security Education and Training: 8th IFIP WG 11.8 World Conference on Information Security Education, WISE 8, Auckland, New Zealand, July 8-10, 2013, Proceedings, WISE 7, Lucerne Switzerland, June 9-10, 2011, and WISE 6, Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brazil, July 27-31, 2009, Revised Selected Papers
Rayne Reid, Johan Van Niekerk (auth.), Ronald C. Dodge Jr., Lynn Futcher (eds.), 2013
New Perspectives on HTML, CSS, and Dynamic HTML
S. Scott Zimmerman, Beverly B. Zimmerman, 2012
New Technology and Western Security Policy
Laura Staman, Adrie J. Visscher, Hans Luyten (auth.), Don Passey, Andreas Breiter, Adrie Visscher (eds.), 1985
Caring for Our Own: Why There is No Political Demand for New American Social Welfare Rights
Sandra R. Levitsky, 2014
Latin America: A New Developmental Welfare State Model in the Making?
Manuel Riesco (eds.), 2007
Latin America: A New Developmental Welfare State Model in the Making? (Social Policy in a Development Context)
Manuel Riesco, Sonia M. Draibe, 2007
Migration and welfare in the new Europe: Social protection and the challenges of integration
Emma Carmel, Alfio Cerami, Theodoros Papadopoulos, 2011
New Perspectives on Health, Disability, Welfare and the Labour Market
Colin Lindsay, Bent Greve, Ignazio Cabras, Nick Ellison, Stephen Kellett, 2015
Post-Industrial Socialism: Towards a New Politics of Welfare
Adrian Little, 1998
Poverty and Social Deprivation in the Mediterranean: Trends, Policies and Welfare Prospects in the New Millennium (International Studies in Poverty Research)
Maria Petmesidou, Christos Papatheodorou, 2006
Landolt-Börnstein. Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology. New Series. Group IV: Physical Chemistry, Volume 11. Ternary Alloy Systems Phase Diagrams, Crystallographic and Thermodynamic Data critically evaluated by MSIT®. Subvolume C. Non-Ferrous Metal Systems, Part 3. Selected Soldering and Brazing Systems.
G. Effenberg, S. Ilyenko, Materials Science International Team (MSIT), 2007
Applied Virology Research: New Diagnostic Procedures
Christine Kurstak, A. Hossain, Edouard Kurstak (auth.), Edouard Kurstak, R. G. Marusyk, F. A. Murphy, M. H. V. Van Regenmortel (eds.), 1994
A Passion for Ideas: How Innovators Create the New and Shape Our World
Heinrich von Pierer, 2001