نتایج جستجو

Calm Breath, Calm Mind: A Guide to the Healing Power of Breath
Geshe YongDong Losar, Bernadette Wyton (editor), 2022
A Handbook of Economic Anthropology
James G. Carrier (editor), 2022
Eye Tracking: Background, Methods, and Applications (Neuromethods, 183)
Samuel Stuart (editor), 2022
Altered Earth
Julia Adeney Thomas (editor), 2022
Quantum Computing in the Arts and Humanities: An Introduction to Core Concepts, Theory and Applications
Eduardo Reck Miranda (editor), 2022
Quantum Computing in the Arts and Humanities: An Introduction to Core Concepts, Theory and Applications
Eduardo Reck Miranda (editor), 2022
Quantum Computing in the Arts and Humanities: An Introduction to Core Concepts, Theory and Applications
Eduardo Reck Miranda (editor), 2022
Candida auris: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology, 2517)
Alexander Lorenz (editor), 2022
The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics
Ruslan Mitkov (editor), 2022
Il testamento
Jean Meslier, Italo tosi Gallo (editor), 1972
Scritti sulla religione. ll problema dei rapporti tra cristianesimo e marxismo in una raccolta di fondamentali scritti teorici
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Marcello Fedele (editor), 1979
Sulla religione
Karl Marx, Luciano Parinetto (editor), 1972
Saggi sulla religione
John Stuart Mill, Ludovico Geymonat (editor), 1972
(Para Uma) Poética da Água
Editor Constantino Pereira Martins
Design Thinking: A Forefront Insight
Kumar, Kaushik, Kurni, Muralidhar (Editor), 2022
I detti di Rabi'a
Caterina Valdrè (editor), 1979
La religione naturale
David Hume, Franco Restaino (editor), 1985
Disputa sui miracoli
David Hume, John Douglas, Martino Doni (editor), 2005
Il buon senso. In appendice le osservazioni di Voltaire
Paul-Henri Thiry d' Holbach, Sebastiano Timpanaro (editor), 1985
Marco Aurelio, Guido Cortassa (editor), 1985
Patronage and dynasty: the rise of the della Rovere in Renaissance Italy
Ian F. Verstegen (editor), 2007
Commentario al Timeo di Platone. Testo latino a fronte
Calcidio, C. Moreschini (editor), 2003
Storia criminale del Cristianesimo. XIII e XIV secolo. Dall'imperatore Enrico VI (1190) all'imperatore Ludovico IV di Baviera (1347)
Karlheinz Deschner, Carlo Pauer Modesti (editor), 2006