نتایج جستجو

Performing Bodies: Female Illness in Italian Literature and Cinema (1860-1920)
Catherine Ramsey-Portolano, 2017
Historical Dictionary of Italian Cinema
Gino Moliterno, 2021
The Splendid Table: Recipes from Emilia-Romagna, the Heartland of Northern Italian Food
Lynne Rossetto Kasper, 1992
Cinema of Anxiety: A Psychoanalysis of Italian Neorealism
Vincent F. Rocchio, 1999
Assassins against the Old Order: Italian Anarchist Violence in Fin de Siecle Europe
Nunzio Pernicone, Fraser Ottanelli, 2018
Complete Italian all-in-one
Marcel Danesi (editor), 2020
Righteous Anger in Contemporary Italian Literary and Cinematic Narratives
Stefania Lucamante, 2020
Glorioso Corano (Quran in Italian)
trans. Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, Hamza Roberto Piccardo
Abandoned Children of the Italian Renaissance: Orphan Care in Florence and Bologna
Nicholas Terpstra, 2006
Police Power in the Italian Communes, 1228-1326
Gregory Roberts, 2019
The Primitives of the Greek Tongue, in five languages; viz. Greek, Latin, English, Italian and French; in verse.
Jean F Alphonse ROULLIER, 1825
Winning with the Slow - But Venomous - Italian
Georgios Souleidis, Karsten Müller, 2017
Speak the Culture: Italy - Be Fluent in Italian Life and Culture
Andrew Whittaker, 2010
The Italian Renaissance - Culture and Society in Italy
Peter Burke, 1987
Machiavelli and Political Conspiracies: The Struggle for Power in the Italian Renaissance
Alessandro Campi, 2018
Veneto : recipes from an Italian country kitchen
Valeria Necchio; Valeria Necchio, 2017
Statistica Di Base: Come, quando, perché (Italian Edition)
Fulvia Mecatti, 2010
Towards and Beyond the Italian Republic: Adriano Olivetti’s Vision of Politics
Davide Cadeddu, 2021
Towards and Beyond the Italian Republic: Adriano Olivetti’s Vision of Politics
Davide Cadeddu, 2021
Grammatiche ALMA: Le congiunzioni italiane e altre parole difficili (Italian Edition)
Silvia Consonno, Elena Rossin, 2019