نتایج جستجو

Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling: 13th International Conference, BPMDS 2012, 17th International Conference, EMMSAD 2012, and 5th EuroSymposium, held at CAiSE 2012, Gdańsk, Poland, June 25-26, 2012. Proceedings
Brian Henderson-Sellers (auth.), Selmin Nurcan, Henderik A. Proper, Pnina Soffer, John Krogstie, Rainer Schmidt, Terry Halpin, Ilia Bider (eds.), 2012
Innovations in Information Systems Modeling: Methods and Best Practices (Advances in Database Research)
Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Irene Celino, Dario Cerizza, Emanuele Della Valle (auth.), Stefano Spaccapietra, Jeff Z. Pan, Philippe Thiran, Terry Halpin, Steffen Staab, Vojtech Svatek, Pavel Shvaiko, John Roddick (eds.), 2008
Journal on Data Semantics XI
Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Irene Celino, Dario Cerizza, Emanuele Della Valle (auth.), Stefano Spaccapietra, Jeff Z. Pan, Philippe Thiran, Terry Halpin, Steffen Staab, Vojtech Svatek, Pavel Shvaiko, John Roddick (eds.), 2008
Client/Server-Anwendungen: Planung und Entwicklung
William H. Inmon (auth.), 1993
Belowground Responses to Rising Atmospheric CO2: Implications for Plants, Soil Biota, and Ecosystem Processes: Proceedings of a workshop held at the University of Michigan Biological Station, Pellston, Michigan, USA, May 29–June 2, 1993
Peter S. Curtis, Elizabeth G. O’Neill, James A. Teeri, Donald R. Zak, Kurt S. Pregitzer (auth.), Peter S. Curtis, Elizabeth G. O’Neill, James A. Teeri, D. R. Zak, K. S. Pregitzer (eds.), 1995
Toll-like Receptors in Inflammation
Kasper Hoebe, Bruce Beutler (auth.), Luke A.J. O’Neill, Elizabeth Brint (eds.), 2005
Advances in Neurochemistry: Volume 3
Neil Raymond Sims, Patrick Robert Carnegie (auth.), B. W. Agranoff, M. H. Aprison (eds.), 1978
Choosing and Using a Dobsonian Telescope
Neil English (auth.), 2011
Choosing and Using a Dobsonian Telescope
Neil English (auth.), 2011
Choosing and Using a Refracting Telescope
Neil English (auth.), 2011
Choosing and Using a Refracting Telescope
Neil English (auth.), 2011
Classic Telescopes: A Guide to Collecting, Restoring, and Using Telescopes of Yesteryear
Neil English (auth.), 2013
Database. Principles Programming Performance
Patrick O'Neil (Auth.), 1994
Grab 'n' Go Astronomy
Neil English (auth.), 2014
Information Hiding: 8th International Workshop, IH 2006, Alexandria, VA, USA, July 10-12, 2006. Revised Selcted Papers
Patrick Bas, François Cayre (auth.), Jan L. Camenisch, Christian S. Collberg, Neil F. Johnson, Phil Sallee (eds.), 2007
Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 7th International Symposium, SSTD 2001 Redondo Beach, CA, USA, July 12–15, 2001 Proceedings
Jianwen Su, Haiyan Xu, Oscar H. Ibarra (auth.), Christian S. Jensen, Markus Schneider, Bernhard Seeger, Vassilis J. Tsotras (eds.), 2001
Autonome Mobile Systeme 2000: 16. Fachgespräch Karlsruhe, 20./21. November 2000
Dennis Wildermuth, Frank E. Schneider (auth.), Rüdiger Dillmann, Heinz Wörn, Markus von Ehr (eds.), 2000
Coronary Bypass Surgery in the Elderly: Ethical, Economical and Quality of Life Aspects
Markus Schneider (auth.), Paul J. Walter (eds.), 1995
Implementierungskonzepte für Datenbanksysteme
Dr. Markus Schneider (auth.), 2004
Innovation von Dienstleistungen: Organisation von Innovationsprozessen in Universalbanken
Markus Schneider (auth.), 1999
Messung von Ressourceneffizienz mit der ESSENZ-Methode: Integrierte Methode zur ganzheitlichen Bewertung
Vanessa Bach, Dr. Markus Berger, Dr. Martin Henßler, Dr. Martin Kirchner, Stefan Leiser, Lisa Mohr, Dr. Elmar Rother, Dr. Klaus Ruhland, Dr. Laura Schneider, Dr.-Ing. Ladji Tikana, Dr. Wolfgang Volkhausen, Frank Walachowicz, Prof. Dr. Matthias Finkbeiner (auth.), 2016
Produktivität der Gesundheitswirtschaft: Gutachten für das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie
Markus Schneider, Alexander Karmann, Grit Braeseke (auth.), 2014
Linear Panel Analysis. Models of Quantitative Change
Ronald C. Kessler (Auth.), 1981