نتایج جستجو

Advances in Energy Systems Engineering
Georgios M. Kopanos, Pei Liu, Michael C. Georgiadis (eds.), 2017
Fluid Flow in the Subsurface: History, Generalization and Applications of Physical Laws
Hui-Hai Liu (auth.), 2017
O Problema dos Três Corpos
Cixin Liu, 2016
O Problema dos Três Corpos
Cixin Liu, 2016
Computational Fluid Dynamics: Applications in Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Treatment
Xiaofeng Liu; Jie Zhang, 2019
Managerial decision making: A holistic approach
Jeffrey Yi-Lin Forrest, Jeananne Nicholls, Kurt Schimmel, Sifeng Liu, 2020
El problema de los tres cuerpos
Liu Cixin
Innovation, Economic Development, And Intellectual Property In India And China: Comparing Six Economic Sectors
Kung-Chung Liu, Uday S. Racherla, 2019
Overview Of Low-Carbon Development
Xiangwan Du, Dadi Zhou, Qingchen Chao, Zongguo Wen, Taoli Huhe, Qiang Liu, 2020
The Redemption of Time
Baoshu; Ken Liu, 2019
海商帝国 : 郑氏集团的官商关系及其起源(1625-1683) /Hai shang di guo : Zheng shi ji tuan de guan shang guan xi ji qi qi yuan (1625-1683)
Liu, Qiang; Zheng family., 2015
Introduction to the Tsinghua Bamboo-Strip Manuscripts
Guozhong Liu, 2016
Wisdom Web of Things
Ning Zhong, Jianhua Ma, Jiming Liu, Runhe Huang, Xiaohui Tao (eds.), 2016
Globalization and Cultural Trends in China
Liu Kang, 2003
TCM Case Studies: Internal Medicine
Bayan Liu, Suzanne Robidoux, Xiao Ye, 2014
The road to the throne : how Liu Bang founded China’s Han dynasty
Hung, Hing Ming, 2011
Designing Robot Behavior in Human-Robot Interactions
Changliu Liu; Te Tang; Hsien-Chung Lin; Masayoshi Tomizuka, 2019
Combinatorial Functional Equations: Basic Theory
Yanpei Liu, 2019
Random Signal Analysis
Congfeng Liu, 2018
Impedance Source Inverters
Hongpeng Liu, Zichao Zhou, Yuhao Li, Wentao Wu, Jiabao Jiang, Enda Shi, 2020
Nanotechnology for Microfluidics
Xingyu Jiang; Chunli Bai; Minghua Liu, 2020