نتایج جستجو

Public Policy in Northern Ireland: Adoption or Adaptation?
Michael Connolly (editor), S. Loughlin (editor), 1990
Evocations of Eloquence: Rhetoric, Literature and Religion in Early Modern France - Essays in Honour of Peter Bayley (Medieval and Early Modern French Studies)
Nicholas Hammond (editor), Michael Moriarty (editor), 2012
The Global Social Sciences: Under and Beyond European Universalism
Michael Kuhn (editor), Hebe Vessuri (editor), 2016
Sport, Rhetoric, and Political Struggle (Frontiers in Political Communication)
Daniel Grano (editor), Michael Butterworth (editor), 2019
Diversity and aging among immigrant seniors in Canada : changing faces and greying temples
Douglas Durst (editor); Michael J. MacLean (editor), 2019
Modern Germany in Transatlantic Perspective
Michael Meng (editor), Adam R. Seipp (editor), 2017
Female and Male Fertility Preservation
Michael Grynberg (editor), Pasquale Patrizio (editor), 2021
Whither the Early Republic: A Forum on the Future of the Field
John Lauritz Larson (editor), Michael A. Morrison (editor), 2005
Targeted Molecular Imaging (Imaging in Medical Diagnosis and Therapy)
Michael J. Welch (editor), William C. Eckelman (editor), 2012
PET/CT in Melanoma (Clinicians’ Guides to Radionuclide Hybrid Imaging)
Michael S. Hofman (editor), Rodney J. Hicks (editor), 2017
Nietzsche's New Seas: Explorations in Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Politics
Michael Allen Gillespie (Editor), Tracy B. Strong (Editor), 1988
Joy and Laughter in Nietzsche’s Philosophy: Alternative Liberatory Politics
Paul E. Kirkland (editor), Michael J. McNeal (editor), 2022
Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
Allen J. Bard (editor), Michael V. Mirkin (editor), 2022
Platonismus und spätägyptische Religion: Plutarch und die Ägyptenrezeption in der römischen Kaiserzeit
Michael Erler (editor), Martin Andreas Stadler (editor), 2017
Philosophie in Rom - Römische Philosophie?: Kultur-, literatur- und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektiven
Gernot Michael Müller (editor), Fosca Mariani Zini (editor), 2017
Metaphysik und Religion: Zur Signatur des spätantiken Denkens / Akten des Internationalen Kongresses vom 13.-17. März 2001 in Würzburg
Theo Kobusch (editor), Michael Erler (editor), 2002
Philosophie in Rom - Römische Philosophie?: Kultur-, literatur- und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektiven
Gernot Michael Müller (editor), Fosca Mariani Zini (editor), 2017
Bamberger Zentralasienstudien: Konferenzakten ESCAS IV, Bamberg 8.-12. Oktober 1991
Ingeborg Baldauf (editor), Michael Friederich (editor), 1995
Like Clouds or Mists: Studies and Translations of No Plays of the Genpei War
Elizabeth Oyler (editor), Michael Watson (editor), 2014
Muslim Culture in Russia and Central Asia from the 18th to the Early 20th Centuries: Inter-Regional and Inter-Ethnic Relations
Anke von Kügelgen (editor), Michael Kemper (editor), Klaus Klier, 1999
Exploring urbanism in ancient North Syria: Fieldwork in Doliche 2015–2020
Michael Blömer (editor), Engelbert Winter (editor), 2022
Die Einheit der Schrift und die Vielfalt des Kanons / The Unity of Scripture and the Diversity of the Canon: Beitr. z. Tl. in engl. Sprache
John Barton (editor), Michael Wolter (editor), 2003
Die Juden in der Oberpfalz
Michael Brenner (editor), Renate Höpfinger (editor), 2009
Social Identity Processes in Organizational Contexts
Michael A. Hogg (editor), Deborah J. Terry (editor), 2001