نتایج جستجو

Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience (Edition critique)
Henri Bergson, Arnaud Bouaniche, Frédéric Worms (editor), 2007
Il Duecento e la cultura gotica (1198-1280 ca.)
Serena Romano (editor), 2012
Als de dollar valt : alles over de kredietcrisis
Willem Middelkoop; LINE UP boek en media (Groningen) (editor), 2010
Se il grano non muore
André Gide, Piero Gelli (editor), 2017
The Birth of Modern Mexico, 1780–1824
Christon I. Archer (editor), 2007
The Colours of the Past in Victorian England (Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship between the Arts)
Charlotte Ribeyrol (editor), 2016
Moving Ideas: Multimodality and Embodied Learning in Communities and Schools (New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies)
Mira-Lisa Katz (editor), 2013
Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2013 (Human Right Studies)
Interdepartmental Centre on (editor), 2013
Bible Caught in Violence (European Studies in Theology, Philosophy and History of Religions)
Cezary Korzec (editor), 2019
New Essays in Chinese Philosophy (Asian Thought and Culture)
Hsueh-liCheng (editor), 1997
Roman Shakespeare: Intersecting Times, Spaces, Languages (Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship between the Arts)
Daniela Guardamagna (editor), 2018
European and Asian Sustainable Towns: New Towns and Satellite Cities in their Metropolises
Pascaline Gaborit (editor), 2014
Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2014 (Human Right Studies)
Marco Mascia (editor), 2014
Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2012 (Human Right Studies)
Centro interdipartimentale di ricera (editor), 2013
Poesie. Testo francese a fronte. Ediz. bilingue
Jean Genet, Giancarlo Pavanello (editor), 2018
African Acronyms and Abbreviations
David E. Hall (editor), 2015
Il funambolo
Jean Genet, Giorgio Pinotti (editor), 1997