نتایج جستجو

Get a room: Private space and private people in Old French and Middle English love stories.
Cooley, Alice Jane, 2010
Worlds within worlds: the novels of Ivan Turgenev
Jane Tussey Costlow
Enfermeria Pediatrica, Asistencia Infantil
Jane W. Bal, 2013
The illustrated Vie et miracles de Saint Louis of Guillaume de Saint-Pathus (Paris, B.N. Ms. Fr. 5716)
Chung-Apley, Jane Geein, 1998
Jane Austen’s Lovers and Other Studies in Fiction and History from Austen to le Carré
John Halperin (auth.), 1988
The Persistence of Allegory: Drama and Neoclassicism from Shakespeare to Wagner
Jane K. Brown, 2006
Jane Addams: Progressive Pioneer of Peace, Philosophy, Sociology, Social Work and Public Administration
Patricia Shields (auth.), 2017
Women and ‘Value’ in Jane Austen’s Novels: Settling, Speculating and Superfluity
Lynda A. Hall (auth.), 2017
Class Choreographies: Elite Schools and Globalization
Jane Kenway, Johannah Fahey, Debbie Epstein, Aaron Koh, Cameron McCarthy, Fazal Rizvi (auth.), 2017
Juries, Science and Popular Culture in the Age of Terror: The Case of the Sydney Bomber
David Tait, Jane Goodman-Delahunty (eds.), 2017
Dance Leadership: Theory Into Practice
Jane M. Alexandre (auth.), 2017
Semiotics and Verbal Texts: How the News Media Construct a Crisis
Jane Gravells (auth.), 2017
Russell Brand: Comedy, Celebrity, Politics
Jane Arthurs, Ben Little (auth.), 2016
The Handbook of Logistics Contracts: A Practical Guide to a Growing Field
Joan Jané, Alfonso de Ochoa (auth.), 2006
Global intelligence oversight : governing security in the twenty-first century
Goldman, Zachary K.; Harman, Jane; Rascoff, Samuel James, 2016
Jane Crow : the life of Pauli Murray
Rosenberg, Rosalind, 2017
Envisioning Disease, Gender, and War: Women’s Narratives of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic
Jane Elizabeth Fisher (auth.), 2012
Mary Shelley’s Early Novels: ‘This Child of Imagination and Misery’
Jane Blumberg (auth.), 1993
The Psychology of Women’s Health and Health Care
Paula Nicolson, Jane Ussher, Jo Campling (eds.), 1992
Feminising the Market: Women’s Pay and Employment in the European Community
Jane Pillinger (auth.), 1992
How to Study a Jane Austen Novel
Vivien Jones (auth.), 1997