نتایج جستجو

Architecture and the Novel under the Italian Fascist Regime
Francesca Billiani, Laura Pennacchietti, 2019
Family Men: Fatherhood and Masculinity in Britain, 1914-1960
Laura King, 2015
Contemporary European Security
David J. Galbreath (editor), Jocelyn Mawdsley (editor), Laura Chappell (editor), 2019
Documentación sobre la muerte en el Archivo Arzobispal de Lima
F. Javier Campos, Fernández de Sevilla, Laura Gutiérrez Arbulú, 2019
Ways of Knowing Cities
Laura Kurgan (editor), Dare Brawley (editor), 2019
Emotion in Discourse
J. Lachlan Mackenzie (editor), Laura Alba-Juez (editor), 2019
Caciques, yanaconas y extravagantes : la sociedad colonial en Charcas s. XVI-XVIII
Laura Escobari de Querejazu, 2005
Once We Were Slaves: The Extraordinary Journey of a Multi-Racial Jewish Family
Laura Leibman, 2021
Laura Palmer, Carolyn Jessop, 2010
La revolución antes de la revolución. Luchas indígenas por tierras y justicia en Bolivia
Laura Gotkowitz, 2011
El problema de la relación mente-cuerpo
Laura Benítez; José Antonio Robles, 1993
Performance and Posthumanism: Staging Prototypes of Composite Bodies
Christel Stalpaert (editor), Kristof van Baarle (editor), Laura Karreman (editor), 2021
Performance and Posthumanism: Staging Prototypes of Composite Bodies
Christel Stalpaert (editor), Kristof van Baarle (editor), Laura Karreman (editor), 2021
Laura Palmer, Carolyn Jessop, 2010
The New Slave Narrative: The Battle Over Representations of Contemporary Slavery
Laura T. Murphy, 2019
The Concept of Resistance in Italy: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Maria Laura Mosco; Pietro Pirani, 2017
Interconnecting Music and the Literary Word
Fausto Ciompi, Roberta Ferrari, Laura Giovannelli, 2018
Técnicas actuales de investigación documental
Laura Cázares Hernández, et. al., 1999