نتایج جستجو

Creativity and Development (Counterpoints (Oxford University Press).)
R. Keith Sawyer, Vera John-Steiner, Seana Moran, Robert J. Sternberg, David Henry Feldman, Howard Ga, 2003
Advances in Yarn Spinning Technology (Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles)
Carl Lawrence, 2010
Anopheline Species Complexes in South and South-East Asia (SEARO Technical Publications)
World Health Organization, 2008
Management of Common Health Problems of Drug Users (SEARO Technical Publications)
WHO Regional Office for the South-East Asia Region, 2009
The Health Situation in the South-East Asia Region: 2001-2007 (WHO Regional Publications South-East Asia Series)
WHO Regional Office for the South-East Asia Region, 2009
Glacier-Influenced Sedimentation on High-Latitude Continental Margins (Geological Society Special Publication)
J. A. Dowdeswell, C. O. Cofaigh, 2003
Build Your Business Vocabulary (Language Teaching Publications)
John Flower, 1990
Суперсплавы II: Жаропрочные материалы для аэрокосмических и промышленных энергоустановок. В 2-х книгах (Superalloys II) . Научное издание
Симс Ч. Т., Под редакцией Ч.Т.Симса, Н.С.Столоффа, У.К.Xагеля. Перевод с английского Ю.П.Либерова, А.Б.Цепелева. Под редакцией Р.Е.Шалина., 1995
Суперсплавы II: Жаропрочные материалы для аэрокосмических и промышленных энергоустановок. В 2-х книгах. (Superalloys II) . Научное издание
Симс Ч. Т., Под редакцией Ч.Т.Симса, Н.С.Столоффа, У.К.Xагеля. Перевод с английского Ю.П.Либерова, А.Б.Цепелева. Под редакцией Р.Е.Шалина., 1995
Distributed Generation: The Power Paradigm for the New Millennium (The CRC Press Series in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)
Anne-Marie Borbely, Jan F. Kreider, 2001
Colour Measurement: Principles, Advances and Industrial Applications (Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles)
M.L Gulrajani (Editor), 2010
Солнечные элементы: Теория и эксперимент. (Fundamentals of solar cells, 1983) . Научное издание
А.Фаренбрух, Р.Бьюб. Перевод с английского И.П.Гавриловой и А.С.Даревского Под редакцией М.М.Колтуна., 1987
The Psychology and Sociology of Literature: In Honor of Elrud Ibsch (Utrecht Publications in General and Comparative Literature)
Elrud Ibsch, Dick H. Schram, Gerard Steen, 2002
General Lattice Theory (Pure and Applied Mathematics (Academic Press), Volume 75)
George A Gratzer, 1978
Geology and Religion: A History of Harmony and Hostility - Special Publication no 310
M. Kolbl-Ebert, M. Kolbl-Ebert, 2009