نتایج جستجو

Unbestimmtes Wirtschaftsstrafrecht und gesamtwirtschaftliche Perspektiven
Eberhard Kempf (editor); Klaus Lüderssen (editor); Klaus Volk (editor); Matthias Jahn (editor); Cornelius Prittwitz (editor); Reinhard H. Schmidt (editor), 2017
VVG: Band 2 §§ 19-73 VVG
Roland Michael Beckmann (editor); Robert Koch (editor); Roland Michael Beckmann (editor); Oliver Brand (editor); Christoph Brömmelmeyer (editor); et al. (editor), 2022
Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar on Non-Ideal Compressible Fluid Dynamics for Propulsion and Power (ERCOFTAC Series, 29)
Martin White (editor), Tala El Samad (editor), Ioannis Karathanassis (editor), Abdulnaser Sayma (editor), Matteo Pini (editor), Alberto Guardone (editor), 2023
Sicut dicit: Editing Ancient and Medieval Commentaries on Authoritative Texts (Lectio, 8)
De Leemans (editor), P. (editor), Schorn (editor), Shari (editor), Pieter (editor), Stefan (editor), 2020
Die Strafprozeßordnung und das Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz. Grosskomentar: Ergänzungsband und Gesamtregister
Hanns Dünnebier (editor); Heinrich Jagush (editor); Else Koffka (editor); Max Kohlhaas (editor); Werner Sahrstedt (editor); Karl Schäfer (editor), 1967
Handbuch des Römischen Privatrechts
Ulrike Babusiaux (editor), Christian Baldus (editor), Wolfgang Ernst (editor), Franz-Stefan Meissel (editor), Johannes Platschek (editor), Thomas Rüfner (editor), 2023
Neue Autorität - Das Handbuch: Konzeptionelle Grundlagen, aktuelle Arbeitsfelder und neue Anwendungsgebiete
Bruno Körner (editor), Martin Lemme (editor), Stefan Ofner (editor), Tobias von der Recke (editor), Claudia Seefeldt (editor), Herwig Thelen (editor), 2019
Naturally Occurring Organohalogen Compounds (Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, 121)
A. Douglas Kinghorn (editor), Heinz Falk (editor), Simon Gibbons (editor), Yoshinori Asakawa (editor), Ji-Kai Liu (editor), Verena M. Dirsch (editor), 2023
Naturally Occurring Organohalogen Compounds (Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, 121)
A. Douglas Kinghorn (editor), Heinz Falk (editor), Simon Gibbons (editor), Yoshinori Asakawa (editor), Ji-Kai Liu (editor), Verena M. Dirsch (editor), 2023
Handbook on Antimicrobial Resistance: Current Status, Trends in Detection and Mitigation Measures
Mukteswar Prasad Mothadaka (editor), Murugadas Vaiyapuri (editor), Madhusudana Rao Badireddy (editor), Chandragiri Nagarajrao Ravishankar (editor), Rajesh Bhatia (editor), Joykrushna Jena (editor), 2023
Handbook on Antimicrobial Resistance: Current Status, Trends in Detection and Mitigation Measures
Mukteswar Prasad Mothadaka (editor), Murugadas Vaiyapuri (editor), Madhusudana Rao Badireddy (editor), Chandragiri Nagarajrao Ravishankar (editor), Rajesh Bhatia (editor), Joykrushna Jena (editor), 2023
Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics: Proceedings of the Seventh Vilnius Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, 12–18 August, 1998
B. Grigelionis (editor); J. Kubilius (editor); V. Paulauskas (editor); H. Pragarauskas (editor); R. Rudzkis (editor); V. Statulevičius (editor), 1999
Artur-Axel Wandtke (editor); Claire Dietz (editor); Michael Kauert (editor); Sebastian Schunke (editor); Artur-Axel Wandtke (editor); Kirsten-Inger Wöhrn (editor), 2013
Encyclopaedia of Medical Physics: Two Volume Set
Slavik Tabakov (editor), Franco Milano (editor), Magdalena S. Stoeva (editor), Perry Sprawls (editor), Sameer Tipnis (editor), Tracy Underwood (editor), 2021
Katechismus-Andachten (1656): Kritische Ausgabe und Kommentar. Kritische Edition des Notentextes
Johann Rist (editor); Andreas Hammerschmidt (editor); Michael Jacobi (editor); Johann Anselm Steiger (editor); Oliver Huck (editor); Esteban Hernández Castelló (editor), 2016
„Seelenbeschreibungen“: Eine frühneuzeitliche Quellengattung und ihr konfessions- und bildungsgeschichtlicher Kontext
Heinrich Richard Schmidt (editor); Veronika Albrecht-Birkner (editor); Michael Egger (editor); Stefan Ehrenpreis (editor); Janine Scheurer (editor); Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF) (editor), 2022
Katechismus-Andachten (1656): Kritische Ausgabe und Kommentar. Kritische Edition des Notentextes
Johann Rist (editor); Andreas Hammerschmidt (editor); Michael Jacobi (editor); Johann Anselm Steiger (editor); Oliver Huck (editor); Esteban Hernández Castelló (editor), 2016
„Seelenbeschreibungen“: Eine frühneuzeitliche Quellengattung und ihr konfessions- und bildungsgeschichtlicher Kontext
Heinrich Richard Schmidt (editor); Veronika Albrecht-Birkner (editor); Michael Egger (editor); Stefan Ehrenpreis (editor); Janine Scheurer (editor); Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF) (editor), 2022
Thyroid FNA Cytology: Differential Diagnoses and Pitfalls
Kennichi Kakudo (editor), Zhiyan Liu (editor), Chan Kwon Jung (editor), Mitsuyoshi Hirokawa (editor), Andrey Bychkov (editor), Chiung-Ru Lai (editor), 2024
15th International Congress on Agricultural Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture: ANKAgEng’2023
Eugenio Cavallo (editor), Fernando Auat Cheein (editor), Francesco Marinello (editor), Kamil Saçılık (editor), Kasiviswanathan Muthukumarappan (editor), Purushothaman C. Abhilash (editor), 2024
COVID-19 and Social Protection: A Study in Human Resilience and Social Solidarity
Steven Ratuva (editor), Tara Ross (editor), Yvonne Crichton-Hill (editor), Arindam Basu (editor), Patrick Vakaoti (editor), Rosemarie Martin-Neuninger (editor), 2022
Computing, Communication and Learning: First International Conference, CoCoLe 2022, Warangal, India, October 27–29, 2022, Proceedings
Sanjaya Kumar Panda (editor), Rashmi Ranjan Rout (editor), Ravi Chandra Sadam (editor), Bala Venkata Subramaanyam Rayanoothala (editor), Kuan-Ching Li (editor), Rajkumar Buyya (editor), 2023
CyberSecurity in a DevOps Environment: From Requirements to Monitoring
Andrey Sadovykh (editor), Dragos Truscan (editor), Wissam Mallouli (editor), Ana Rosa Cavalli (editor), Cristina Seceleanu (editor), Alessandra Bagnato (editor), 2023
Contract Cheating in Higher Education: Global Perspectives on Theory, Practice, and Policy
Sarah Elaine Eaton (editor), Guy J. Curtis (editor), Brenda M. Stoesz (editor), Joseph Clare (editor), Kiata Rundle (editor), Josh Seeland (editor), 2022