نتایج جستجو

First-Person Methods: Toward an Empirical Phenomenology of Experience
Wolff-Michael Roth, 2012
First-Person Methods: Toward an Empirical Phenomenology of Experience
Wolff-Michael Roth (auth.), 2012
Language, Learning, Context: Talking the Talk
Wolff-Michael Roth, 2010
On Meaning and Mental Representation: A Pragmatic Approach
Wolff-Michael Roth (auth.), 2013
Passibility: At the Limits of the Constructivist Metaphor
Wolff-Michael Roth (auth.), 2011
Passibility: At the Limits of the Constructivist Metaphor
Wolff-Michael Roth (auth.), 2011
Re/Structuring Science Education: ReUniting Sociological and Psychological Perspectives
Wolff-Michael Roth (auth.), 2010
Re/Structuring Science Education: ReUniting Sociological and Psychological Perspectives
Wolff-Michael Roth (auth.), 2010
Rigorous Data Analysis: Beyond "Anything Goes"
Wolff-Michael Roth, 2015
Rigorous Data Analysis: Beyond “Anything Goes”
Wolff-Michael Roth (auth.), 2015
Science Education during Early Childhood: A Cultural-Historical Perspective
Wolff-Michael Roth, 2013
Focus : use the power of targeted thinking to get more done
Jurgen M Wolff, 2010
Analysis Alive: Ein interaktiver Mathematik-Kurs
Manfred Wolff, 1998
Johann Sebastian Bach: The Learned Musician
Christoph Wolff, 2001
Johann Sebastian Bach: The Learned Musician
Christoph Wolff, 2001
Mozart's Requiem: Historical and Analytical Studies, Documents, Score
Christoph Wolff, 1998
The New Bach Reader: A Life of Johann Sebastian Bach in Letters and Documents
Christoph Wolff, 1999
The Organs of J.S. Bach: A Handbook
Christoph Wolff, 2012
The Organs of J.S. Bach: A Handbook
Christoph Wolff, 2012
Ethics and Public Policy: A Philosophical Inquiry
Jonathan Wolff, 2011
OpenGL 4 Shading Language Cookbook, 2nd Edition
David Wolff, 2013
Air Guns
Eldon G. Wolff, 1930
The Social Production of Art
Janet Wolff (auth.), 1981