نتایج جستجو

Radar Systems and Radio Aids to Navigation
Bhattacharya etc
The Sentinels of Culture: Class, Education, and the Colonial Intellectual in Bengal
Tithi Bhattacharya, 2005
Rethinking 1857
Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, 2007
Secular and pluralistic elements in the idea of state in early India
Sibesh Chandra Bhattacharya, 2002
Contemporary Indian English Poetry and Drama: Changing Canons and Responses
Arnab Kumar Sinha (editor), Sajalkumar Bhattacharya (editor), Himadri Lahiri (editor), 2019
Reproductive Medicine for the MRCOG
Siladitya Bhattacharya, Mark Hamilton, 2021
Sentiment, Politics, Censorship: The State of Hurt
Rina Ramdev; Sandhya D. Nambiar; Debaditya Bhattacharya, 2015
Love songs of Vidyāpati
Vidyāpati Ṭhākura; Deben Bhattacharya; William George Archer, 1963
Propaganda and Information in Eastern India 1939-45 : A Necessary Weapon of War
Sanjoy Bhattacharya, 2009
Development of modern Indian thought and the social sciences
Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, 2007
A Comprehensive History of Modern Bengal, 1700-1950
Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, 2020
The Colonial State: Theory and Practice
Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, 2017
The Colonial State: Theory and Practice
Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, 2017
More Studies on the Cārvāka / Lokāyata
Ramkrishna Bhattacharya, 2020
Financial Economy: Evolutions at the Edge of Crises
Smita Roy Trivedi and Sutanu Bhattacharya, 2018
The Postcolonial Gramsci
Neelam Srivastava and Baidik Bhattacharya, 2012
Janani: Mothers, Daughters, Motherhood
Rinki Bhattacharya, 2006
Janani - Mothers, Daughters, Motherhood
Rinki Bhattacharya, 2006
Unequal Life Chances: Equity and the Demographic Transition in India
Harsh Mander, Anirban Bhattacharya, Vivek Mishra, Astha Singla, Usman Jawed Siddiqi, 2019
Writing Difference: Nationalism, Identity and Literature
Girindra Narayan Ray, Jaydip Sarkar, Anindya Bhattacharya (eds.), 2014
Hindi Cinema: Repeating the Subject
Nandini Bhattacharya, 2012
Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security: Proceedings of IEMIS 2020, Volume 1
Aboul Ella Hassanien, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, Satyajit Chakrabati, Abhishek Bhattacharya, Soumi Dutta, 2021
Postcolonial Writing in the Era of World Literature: Texts, Territories, Globalizations
Baidik Bhattacharya, 2018
Postcolonial Writing in the Era of World Literature: Texts, Territories, Globalizations
Baidik Bhattacharya, 2018