نتایج جستجو

Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists
Luise Worle BSc(Hons)OsteopathyMA, Erik Pfeiff DiplPsych, 2010
EMC at Component and PCB Level
Martin O 'Hara BSc (Hons) Applied Physics and ElectronicsMSc Physical Measurement Techniques and InstrumentationASEE Diploma in Engineering (DEM) with Honours(obtained 'Premium Award' for highest national examination mark), 1998
Advanced Building Measurement
Ivor H. Seeley BSc(Est Man), MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, FCIOB, MIH (auth.), 1989
Myocardial Damage: Early Detection by Novel Biochemical Markers
Gary F. Baxter (auth.), Juan Carlos Kaski MD, MRCP, FACC, FESC, David W. Holt BSc, PhD, FRCPath (eds.), 1998
Advances in Modelling, Animation and Rendering
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, MyungJin Kang, Taro Goto (auth.), John Vince PhD, FBCS, CEng, Rae Earnshaw BSc, MSc, FBCS, CEng (eds.), 2002
Essential Chemistry for Aromatherapy
Sue Clarke, BSc (Hons) PhD (Auth.), 2008
Essential Chemistry for Aromatherapy, 2e
Sue Clarke BScPhD, 2009
Database Design Manual: using MySQL for Windows
Matthew Norman Bsc (Hons) (auth.), 2004
Beginning AutoCAD 2006
Gordon Clarke CP EngBEngMBA, Deon Reynders Pr EngBSc (ElecEng) (Hons)MBA, 2004
Retinal Angiography and Optical Coherence Tomography
Thomas M. Clark BSc, CRA (auth.), J. Fernando Arevalo MD, FACS (eds.), 2009
Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers
D. Winterbone FEngBScPhDDScFIMechEMSAE, 1997
Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers
D. Winterbone FEngBScPhDDScFIMechEMSAE, 1996
Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers
D. Winterbone FEngBScPhDDScFIMechEMSAE, 1997
Advanced thermodynamics for engineers
D. Winterbone FEngBScPhDDScFIMechEMSAE, 1997
Advanced thermodynamics for engineers
D. Winterbone FEngBScPhDDScFIMechEMSAE, 1997
Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers
D. Winterbone FEngBScPhDDScFIMechEMSAE, 1996
Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers
D. Winterbone FEngBScPhDDScFIMechEMSAE, 1996
Nursing in General Practice: A foundation text
Jacqueline Mansfield (auth.), Sarah Luft BSc(Hons), RGN, NDN, Milly Smith MSc, RGN, QN (eds.), 1994
Cancer Informatics in the Post Genomic Era: Toward Information-Based Medicine
Dennis A. Wigle Ph.D., Igor Jurisica Ph.D. (auth.), Igor Jurisica PhD, Dennis A. Wigle MD, Bill Wong BSc, MBA (eds.), 2007
Building Economics: appraisal and control of building design cost and efficiency
Ivor H. Seeley BSc, MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FIMunE, FIQS, MIOB (auth.), 1976
Building Economics: Appraisal and control of building design cost and efficiency
Ivor H. Seeley BSc (Est Man), MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, FCIOB, FCIH (auth.), 1996
Building Economics: Appraisal and control of building design cost and efficiency
Ivor H. Seeley BSc, MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, FCIOB, FIH (auth.), 1983
Building Quantities Explained
Ivor H. Seeley BSc(EstMan), MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, FCIOB, MIH (auth.), 1988