نتایج جستجو

Learning from Data Streams: Processing Techniques in Sensor Networks
Joao Gama (Editor), 2007
Linear Systems Theory
Joao P. Hespanha, 2009
Linear systems theory
Joao P. Hespanha, 2009
Reconfigurable Computing: From FPGAs to Hardware/Software Codesign
João M. P. Cardoso, 2011
Nuclear Medicine Physics (Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering)
Joao Jose De Lima, 2010
A Presença Indígena na Formação do Brasil
João Pacheco de Oliveira, 2006
João Cândido - O Almirante Negro
Alcy Cheuiche, 2010
Análise Complexa e Equações Diferenciais — Resumo
João Teixeira
Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing IV: VIPIMAGE 2013
Joao Manuel RS Tavares, 2013
Developments in Medical Image Processing and Computational Vision
João Manuel R. S. Tavares, 2015
Lógica para Ciência da Computação
João Nunes de Souza, 2002
Innovative Computing Methods and their Applications to Engineering Problems
João Guilherme Sauer (auth.), 2011
Innovative Computing Methods and Their Applications to Engineering Problems
João Guilherme Sauer (auth.), 2011
Caderno de Um Ausente
João Anzanello Carrascoza, 2014
Approximation of Vector Valued Functions
João B. Prolla, 1977
Approximation Theory and Functional Analysis, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Approximation Theory
João B. Prolla (Eds.), 1979
Approximation Theory and Functional Analysis, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Approximation Theory
João B. Prolla (Eds.), 1979
Informação e Comunicação Online (VOL. III): Mundo Online da Vida e da Cidadania
João Carlos Correia, 2002