نتایج جستجو

User Interface Design: A Software Engineering Perspective
Soren Lauesen, 2005
Current Problems in Condensed Matter
Sören Grabowski, 1998
The Semantic Web: ESWC 2016 Satellite Events, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 29 – June 2, 2016, Revised Selected Papers
Harald Sack, Giuseppe Rizzo, Nadine Steinmetz, Dunja Mladenić, Sören Auer, Christoph Lange (eds.), 2016
Klassenlage und transnationales Humankapital: Wie Eltern der mittleren und oberen Klassen ihre Kinder auf die Globalisierung vorbereiten
Jürgen Gerhards, Silke Hans, Sören Carlson (auth.), 2016
Frank Hänsel, Sören Daniel Baumgärtner, Julia Kornmann, Fabienne Ennigkeit (auth.), 2016
Diversity and Contact: Immigration and Social Interaction in German Cities
Karen Schönwälder, Sören Petermann, Jörg Hüttermann, Steven Vertovec, Miles Hewstone, Dietlind Stolle, Katharina Schmid, Thomas Schmitt (auth.), 2016
Algebraic Topology: Applications and New Directions
Ulrike Tillmann, Soren Galatius, Dev Sinha, 2014
Numerik 3x9: Drei Themengebiete in jeweils neun kurzen Kapiteln
Sören Bartels, 2015
Being Together in Place: Indigenous Coexistence in a More Than Human World
Soren C. Larsen, Jay T. Johnson, 2017
Social Class and Transnational Human Capital: How Middle and Upper Class Parents Prepare Their Children for Globalization
Jürgen Gerhards, Hans Silke and Sören Carlson, 2017
Interface Criticism: Aesthetics Beyond the Buttons
Christian Ulrik Andersen, Soren Bro Pold, 2011
Geo-economics and power politics in the 21st century the revival of economic statecraft
Aaltola, Mika; Scholvin, Sören; Wigell, Mikael, 2019
Geo-economics and power politics in the 21st century the revival of economic statecraft
Aaltola, Mika; Scholvin, Sören; Wigell, Mikael, 2019
IDF Armoured Vehicles: Tracked Armour of the Modern Israeli Defence Forces
Sören Sünkler, Marsh Gelbart, 2006
Esercito Italiano
Sören Sünkler, 2006
Offline: Unplugging Your Brain in a Digital World
Imran Rashid; Soren Kenner, 2019
Überwundene Metaphysik? Beiträge zur Konstellation von Phänomenologie und Metaphysikkritik
Murat Ates, Oliver Bruns, Choong-Su Han, Ole Sören Schulz (Hg.), 2016
Offline: Free Your Mind From Smartphone And Social Media Stress
Imran Rashid, Soren Kenner, 2019
Flickan som kom till Auschwitz
Sören Sommelius, 2014
Jesus : jude, rebell, gud?
Sören Wibeck, 2013
Los aportes del itinerario intelectual de Kant a Hegel
Héctor Ferreiro | Thomas Sören Hoffmann | Agemir Bavaresco, 2014