نتایج جستجو

Basic Concepts for Simple and Complex Liquids
Jean-Louis Barrat Jean-Pierre Hansen, 2003
Physiology of Rubber Tree Latex The Laticiferous Cell and Latex- A Modell of Cytoplasm
D'Auzac, Jean; Jacob, Jean-Louis; Chrestin, Hervé, 1989
Les industries agroalimentaires en France
Jean-Louis Rastoin, Jean-Marie Bouquery, 2015
Fenomenologie și teologie
Jean-Louis Chrétien, Michel Henry, Jean-Luc Marion, Paul Ricoeur, 1996
Conversazioni sul cinema
Žižek Slavoj; Rancière Jacques; Nancy Jean-Luc; Jedlowski Paolo; Herzog Werner; Gianikian Yervant; Esposito Roberto; Didi-Huberman Georges; Comolli Jean-Louis; Bressane Julio; De Gaetano Roberto; Schrader Paul, 2013
Emile ou de l'éducation (extraits)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Henri Wallon, Jean-Louis Lecercle, 1958
Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Jean-Louis Lecercle, 1971
Political Leadership, Parties and Citizens: The personalisation of leadership
Jean Blondel, Jean-Louis Thiebault, 2009
Papel da memória
Pierre Achard, Jean Davallon, Jean-Louis Durand, Michel Pêcheux, Eni P. Orlandi; tradução José Horta Nunes., 1999
Trois jours et trois nuits
Bruckner Pascal, Sylvain Tesson, Camille Pascal, Jean-René Van der Plaetsen, Frédéric BeigbederRaphaël Enthoven; Jean-Marie Rouart; Franz-Olivier Giesbert; Sébastien Lapaque; Thibault de Montaigu; Louis-Henri de la Rochefoucauld; Boualem Sansal; Simon Liberati; Xavier Darcos, 2021
Lufthygiene und Klima: Ein Handbuch zur Stadt- und Regionalplanung
J. Löbel, J. Baumüller, U. Hoffmann, W. Kühling (auth.), Prof. Dipl.-Met. Hans Schirmer, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Kuttler, Dr. Jürgen Löbel, Prof. Dr. Konradin Weber (eds.), 1993
Hochfrequenztechnik: Elektronik und Signalverarbeitung
em. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Otto Zinke, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Brunswig (auth.), Anton Vlcek, Prof. Dr. Eng. Dr.-Ing. h. c. Hans L. Hartnagel, Dr.-Ing. Konrad Mayer (eds.), 1999
Environmental Fate Modelling of Pesticides: From the Laboratory to the Field Scale
Prof Dr. O. Richter, Prof. B. Diekkruger, Prof. P. Nortersheuser(auth.), 1996
Diagnostic Criteria in Autoimmune Diseases
Maria Laura Bertolaccini MD, Graham R.V. Hughes MD, Munther A. Khamashta MD (auth.), Prof. Yehuda Shoenfeld, Prof. Ricard Cervera, Prof. M. Eric Gershwin (eds.), 2008
Advances in Environmental Geotechnics: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geoenvironmental Engineering in Hangzhou, China, September 8–10, 2009
R. Kerry Rowe (auth.), Prof. Yunmin Chen, Prof. Liangtong Zhan, Prof. Xiaowu Tang (eds.), 2010
Aktuelle Perspektiven der Biologischen Psychiatrie
Prof. Dr. D. Yves von Cramon (auth.), Prof. Dr. H.-J. Möller, Prof. Dr. F. Müller-Spahn, Dr. G. Kurtz (eds.), 1996
Topics in Analysis: Colloquium on Mathematical Analysis Jyväskylä 1970
G. D. Anderson (auth.), Prof. Olli Lehto, Prof. Ilppo Simo Louhivaara, Prof. Rolf Nevanlinna (eds.), 1974
Topics in Analysis: Colloquium on Mathematical Analysis Jyväskylä 1970
G. D. Anderson (auth.), Prof. Olli Lehto, Prof. Ilppo Simo Louhivaara, Prof. Rolf Nevanlinna (eds.), 1974
Plastics for Corrosion Inhibition
Prof. Victor A. Goldade, Prof. Leonid S. Pinchuk, Dr. Anna V. Makarevich, Prof. Vladimir N. Kestelman (auth.), 2005
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Vitamin B6 and PQQ-dependent Proteins
M. E. Winkler (auth.), Prof. Dr. Ana Iriarte, Prof. Dr. Marino Martinez-Carrion, Prof. Dr. Herbert M. Kagan (eds.), 2000
Clinical Biochemistry in Hepatobiliary Diseases: Proceedings of the International Satellite Symposium, Bologna, Italy, 1988
I. W. Percy-Robb (auth.), Prof. Francesco Salvatore, Prof. Aldo Roda, Prof. Lucia Sacchetti (eds.), 1989
Untersuchungen zur Koagulationsfähigkeit natürlicher und synthetischer Latices beim Naßspinnverfahren
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Schütz, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfons Jansen, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Otto Lorenz (auth.), 1976
Strategische Spiele: Eine Einführung in die Spieltheorie
Prof. Dr. Siegfried K. Berninghaus, Prof. Dr. Karl-Martin Ehrhart, Prof. Dr. Werner Güth (auth.), 2010
Multinational Enterprises, Foreign Direct Investment and Growth in Africa: South African Perspectives
B. M. Gilroy, T. Gries, W. Naudé (auth.), Prof. Dr. Bernard Michael Gilroy, Prof. Dr. Thomas Gries, Prof. Dr. Willem A. Naudé (eds.), 2005