نتایج جستجو

Flint Daggers in Prehistoric Europe
Catherine Frieman; Berit Valentin Eriksen, 2015
From Antiquities to Heritage: Transformations of Cultural Memory
Anne Eriksen, 2014
Waddesdon Manor: A Guide to the House and its Contents
ERIKSEN, Svend, 1968
Generational Tensions and Solidarity Within Advanced Welfare States
Asgeir Falch-Eriksen, Marianne Takle, Britt Slagsvold, 2021
Birds of the Middle East
Jens Eriksen, Richard Porter, Abdulrahman Al-Sirhan, 2022
Climate Change Temporalities; Explorations in Vernacular, Popular, and Scientific Discourse
Kyrre Kverndokk (editor), Marit Ruge Bjærke (editor), Anne Eriksen (editor), 2021
The Accountability of Expertise: Making the Un-Elected Safe for Democracy
Erik Oddvar Eriksen, 2021
Filosofi og vitenskap : fra antikken til høymiddelalderen
Trond Berg Eriksen, Knut Erik Tranøy, 1991
Tidens historie
Eriksen, Trond Berg, 1999
Vestens tenkere 1 : Fra Homer til Milton
Eriksen, Trond Berg, 1993
Vestens tenkere 2 : Fra Descartes til Nietzsche
Eriksen, Trond Berg, 1993
Rethinking Democracy and the European Union
Erik Oddvar Eriksen; John Erik Fossum, 2011
Dilemmas of Care in the Nordic Welfare State: Continuity and Change
Tine Rask Eriksen, 2005
Nietzsche og det moderne
Eriksen, Trond Berg, 2000
Philosophical Perspectives on Moral Certainty
Cecilie Eriksen, Julia Hermann, Neil O'Hara, 2022
Contemporary Religiosities: Emergent Socialities and the Post-Nation-State
Bruce Kapferer; Kari Telle; Annelin Eriksen, 2010
Approaches to the text. From pre-gospel to post-baroque
Roy Eriksen (curatore); Peter Young (curatore), 2014
Ashes to Ashes. Art in Rome Between Humanism and Maniera
Roy Eriksen, Victor Plahte Tschudi (editors), 2006
Understanding Habermas: Communicating Action and Deliberative Democracy
Erik Oddvar Eriksen and Jarle Weigard, 2004
Kanerva's Occupational Dermatology
Prof. Thomas Rustemeyer, Prof. Dr. med. Manigé Fartasch (auth.), Thomas Rustemeyer, Peter Elsner, Swen-Malte John, Howard I. Maibach (eds.), 2012
Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus
Thomas M. Herndon, George C. Tsokos (auth.), Priv.-Doz. Dr. Annegret Kuhn, Prof. Dr. Percy Lehmann, Prof. Dr. Dr. H.C. Thomas Ruzicka (eds.), 2005
Lufthygiene und Klima: Ein Handbuch zur Stadt- und Regionalplanung
J. Löbel, J. Baumüller, U. Hoffmann, W. Kühling (auth.), Prof. Dipl.-Met. Hans Schirmer, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Kuttler, Dr. Jürgen Löbel, Prof. Dr. Konradin Weber (eds.), 1993
Hochfrequenztechnik: Elektronik und Signalverarbeitung
em. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Otto Zinke, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Brunswig (auth.), Anton Vlcek, Prof. Dr. Eng. Dr.-Ing. h. c. Hans L. Hartnagel, Dr.-Ing. Konrad Mayer (eds.), 1999