نتایج جستجو

50 Math and Science Games for Leadership
Seah Wee Khee, Sukandar Hadinoto, Charles Png, Ang Ying Zhen, 2007
Random matrix theory and its applications: Multivariate statistics and wireless communications
Zhi Dong Bai, Zhi Dong Bai, Yang Chen, Ying-chang Liang, 2009
Advanced Medical Statistics
Ying Lu, Ji-Qian Fang, 2003
Advanced Microsoft Content Management Server MCMS: Working with the Publishing API, Placeholders, Search, Web Services, RSS, and Sharepoint Integration
Lim Mei Ying, Stefan Gosner, Andrew Connell, Angus Logan, 2005
50 Math and Science Games for Leadership
Seah Wee Khee; Sukandar Hadinoto; Charles Png; Ang Ying Zhen; Second Student Council of Nus High Schoo, 2007
Nano-scale and amourphous materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the IUMRS-ICA 2010, 11th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, September 25-28, 2010, Qingdao, China
Rongming Wang; Ying Wu; Xiaofeng Wu; International Union of Materials Research Societies, 2011
Advanced Microsoft Content Management Server Development: Working with the Publishing API, Placeholders, Search, Web Services, RSS, and SharePoint Integration
Andrew Connell, Angus Logan, Lim Mei Ying, Stefan Gobner, 2005
Analysis And Control Of Nonlinear Systems With Stationary Sets: Time-Domain and Frequency-Domain Methods
Jinzhi Wang, Zhisheng Duan, Ying Yang, Lin Huang, 2009
How Chinese Teach Mathematics: Perspectives from Insiders
Lianghuo Fan, Ngai-Ying Wong, Jinfa Cai, Shiqi Li (eds.), 2014
Big-Data Analytics and Cloud Computing: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
Marcello Trovati, Richard Hill, Ashiq Anjum, Shao Ying Zhu, Lu Liu (eds.), 2015
Data Mining and Big Data: First International Conference, DMBD 2016, Bali, Indonesia, June 25-30, 2016. Proceedings
Ying Tan, Yuhui Shi (eds.), 2016
Advanced dynamics
S. Ying, 1997
Advanced Dynamics
Ying, Shuh-Jing (Benjamin), 1997
Gas Injection for Disposal and Enhanced Recovery
Carroll, John J.; Li, Qi; Wu, Ying, 2014
Learning with Support Vector Machines (Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)
Colin Campbell, Ying Yiming, 2011
English in Medical Education: An Intercultural Approach to Teaching Language and Values
Peih-ying Lu, John Corbett, 2012
Polyamine Cell Signaling: Physiology, Pharmacology, and Cancer Research
Jian-Ying Wang, 2006
Linear and Nonlinear Iterative Learning Control
Jian-Xin Xu, Ying Tan, 2003
Linear and Nonlinear Iterative Learning Control (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences) (v. 291)
Jian-Xin Xu, Ying Tan, 2003
Guide to Security Assurance for Cloud Computing
Shao Ying Zhu, Richard Hill, Marcello Trovati (eds.), 2015
Advances in Culture and Psychology, Volume 4
Ying-yi Hong, Michele J. Gelfand, Chi-yue Chiu, 2013