نتایج جستجو

Coding Theory And Quantum Computing: An International Conference On Coding Theory And Quantum Computing, May 20-24, 2003, University Of Virginia
David Evans, Jeffrey J. Holt, Chris Jones, Karen Klintworth, Brian Parshall (ed.), 2005
Partnerships For Smart Growth: University Community Collaboration For Better Public Places (Cities and Contemporary Society)
Wim Wiewel, Gerrit Knaap, 2005
Academic Freedom and the Inclusive University
Sharon Kahn, Dennis Pavlich, 2001
De sfinx van de sociologie, Georges Bataille : een politieke filosofie van het geweld : Batailles bijdragen tot het ''College voor sociologie'', (1937-1939)
red., inleidend essay en aantekeningen: Marc De Kesel
Lean Enterprise Value: Insights from MIT’s Lean Aerospace Initiative
Earll Murman, Thomas Allen, Kirkor Bozdogan, Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Hugh McManus, Deborah Nightingale, Eric Rebentisch, Tom Shields, Fred Stahl, Myles Walton, Joyce Warmkessel, Stanley Weiss, Sheila Widnall (auth.), 2002
Instructor Solutions Manual for University Physics with Modern Physics 13th Ed
Hugh D Young; Roger A Freedman; Albert Lewis Ford, 2012
Sears and Zemansky's university physics : with modern physics
Hugh D Young; Roger A Freedman; Albert Lewis Ford, 2011
Sears and Zemansky's university physics : with modern physics
Hugh D Young; Roger A Freedman; Albert Lewis Ford, cop. 2012
Solution manual university phyiscs 12e Young
Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman, and Lewis Ford(Paperback - Aug 24, 2007)
University Physics with Modern Physics (12th Edition)
Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman, Lewis Ford, 2007
University Physics with Modern Physics Technology Update
Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman, A. Lewis Ford, 2013
University Physics with Modern Physics with MasteringPhysics® (13th Edition)
Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman, A. Lewis Ford, 2011
University Physics with Modern Physics, 12th Edition
Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman, Lewis Ford, 2007
Die Krise der Universitäten
Uwe Schimank, Erhard Stölting (auth.), Erhard Stölting, Uwe Schimank (eds.), 2001
Английский язык для магистров и аспирантов естественных факультетов университетов
Сафроненко О.И., Макарова Ж.И., Малащенко М.В, 2005
Creating Community: Life and Learning at Montgomery's Black University
Karl E. Westhauser, Karl E. Westhauser, Ms. Jennifer A. Fremlin, Ms. Jennifer A. Fremlin, Elaine M. Smith, Elaine M. Smith, Frank M. Moorer, Janice R Franklin, Margaret Holler Stephens, Sunita George, Kathy Dunn Jackson, Virginia M. Jones, Annie P. Markham, John Moland Jr, Robert Ely, 2005
Курс английского языка для студентов лингвистических университетов
Н.Д.Токарева, И.М.Богданова, 2009
Betatron und Telekobalttherapie: Internationales Symposion am Czerny-Krankenhaus für Strahlenbehandlung der Universität Heidelberg Vom 1. Bis 3. Juli 1957
J. Becker, K. E. Scheer (auth.), J. Becker, K. E. Scheer (eds.), 1958
DESERFEST A Celebration of the Life and Works of Stanley Deser Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 3 – 5 April 2004
James T Liu, Michael J Duff, Kellogg S Stelle et al, 2006
The Harvard Medical School Guide to a Good Night's Sleep
Lawrence Epstein, Steven Mardon, 2006
Algorithmic Algebra and Number Theory: Selected Papers From a Conference Held at the University of Heidelberg in October 1997
Johannes Buchmann, Michael J. Jacobson Jr., Stefan Neis, Patrick Theobald, Damian Weber (auth.), B. Heinrich Matzat, Gert-Martin Greuel, Gerhard Hiss (eds.), 1999
Algorithmic Algebra and Number Theory: Selected Papers From a Conference Held at the University of Heidelberg in October 1997
Johannes Buchmann, Michael J. Jacobson Jr., Stefan Neis, Patrick Theobald, Damian Weber (auth.), B. Heinrich Matzat, Gert-Martin Greuel, Gerhard Hiss (eds.), 1999