نتایج جستجو

Governance. Teorie, principi, modelli, pratiche nell'era globale
Antonino Palumbo, Salvo Vaccaro (a cura di), 2007
Era uma vez um sonho
J. D. Vance, 2017
City, town and countryside in the early Byzantine era
Robert L. Hohlfelder, 1982
O espectro de Lukács. Política, estética e estranhamento na era da barbárie social
Giovanni Alves, Ariovaldo Santos, Antonino Infranca, Miguel Vedda, 2022
Antisemitism in an Era of Transition: Continuities and Impact in Post-Communist Poland and Hungary
François Guesnet (editor), Gwen Jones (editor), 2014
Embracing the New Two-Child Policy Era: Challenge and Countermeasures of Early Care and Education in China
Xiumin Hong, Wenting Zhu, Qun Ma, 2022
A divisão da cristandade - Da reforma protestante à era do iluminismo
Christopher Dawson, 2014
The End of the American Era: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Geopolitics of the Twenty-first Century
Charles A. Kupchan, 2002
Critical Histories of Accounting: Sinister Inscriptions in the Modern Era
Richard K. Fleischman, Warwick Funnell, Stephen Walker, 2013
Critical Histories of Accounting: Sinister Inscriptions in the Modern Era
Richard K. Fleischman, Warwick Funnell, Stephen Walker, 2013
WeChat and the Chinese Diaspora: Digital Transnationalism in the Era of China's Rise
Wanning Sun, Haiqing Yu, 2022
Pax Transatlantica: America and Europe in the post-Cold War Era
Jussi M. Hanhimäki, 2021
Late Byzantium Reconsidered: The Arts of the Palaiologan Era in the Mediterranean
Andrea Mattiello; Maria Alessia Rossi, 2019
The New Era in American Mathematics, 1920–1950
Parshall, Karen Hunger, 2022
Kansas City vs. Oakland: The Bitter Sports Rivalry That Defined an Era (Sport and Society)
Matthew C. Ehrlich, 2019
Kansas City vs. Oakland: The Bitter Sports Rivalry That Defined an Era
Matthew C. Ehrlich, 2019
Environmental Governance in a Populist/Authoritarian Era
James McCarthy, 2021
American Military History Volume 2: The United States Army in a Global Era, 1917?2008
Center Of Military History, 2016
The Making of Eretz Israel in the Modern Era: A Historical-Geographical Study (1799-1949)
Yehoshua Ben-Arieh, 2020