نتایج جستجو

Contemporary France: Essays and Texts on Politics, Economics and Society
Jill Forbes; Nicholas Last Known Address Hewlett; Francois Nectoux, 2014
Legacies of the Crusades: Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East, Odense, 27 June - 1 July 2016. Volume 1
Torben Kjersgaard Nielsen; Kurt Villads Jensen, 2021
The Crusades: History and Memory: Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East, Odense, 27 June - 1 July 2016. Volume 2
Torben Kjersgaard Nielsen; Kurt Villads Jensen, 2021
Representation and Effectiveness in Latin American Democracies: Congress, Judiciary and Civil Society
Moira B MacKinnon; Ludovico Feoli, 2013
Civil Society and Activism in Europe: Contextualizing Engagement and Political Orientations
William A. Maloney; Jan Deth, 2009
Evangelical Protestantism in Ulster Society 1740-1890
David Hampton, 2014
Digital Constitutionalism In Europe: Reframing Rights And Powers In The Algorithmic Society
Giovanni De Gregorio, 2022
Poquosin : a study of rural landscape & society
Jack Temple Kirby, 1995
When Strangers Become Family: The Role of Civil Society in Addressing the Needs of Aging Populations
Ronald Angel; Veronica Montes-De-Oca Zavala, 2022
To belong in Buenos Aires. Germans, Argentines, and the rise of a pluralist society.
Benjamin Bryce, 2018
Scotland's hidden harlots and heroines : women's role in Scottish society from 1690-1969
Annie Harrower-Gray, 2014
Science, Faith and Society
Michael Polanyi, 1946
David Hume on Morals, Politics, and Society
David Hume, Angela Coventry (editor), Andrew Valls (editor), 2018
Studies in ancient Greek society: The Prehistoric Aaegean
George Thomson, 1949
All Data Are Local: Thinking Critically in a Data-Driven Society
Yanni Alexander Loukissas, 2019
Society, Culture and Opera in Florence, 1814-1830
Aubrey S. Garlington, 2018
State and society : a social and political history of Britain since 1870
Martin Pugh, 2022
Inventing Laziness Culture of Productivity in Late Ottoman Society
Melis Hafez, 2022
Knowledge of Illness in a Sepik Society : a study of the Gnau, New Guinea
Gilbert Lewis, 2004