نتایج جستجو

IV. Uluslararası Rating Academy Kongresi “Köy Enstitüleri ve Eğitimde Yeni Arayışlar”: BİLDİRİLER
Editör: Doç. Dr. Mehmet ŞAHİN; Rating Academy Yayınları, 2019
Uluslararası Kültürel Paradigmalar ve Yenilenen Azerbaycan: BİLDİRİLER
Editör : Doç. Dr. Mehmet ŞAHİN (Assoc.Prof.Dr.), 2018
2. Uluslararası Farkındalık Konferansı :BiLDiRiLER
Editör: Doç. Dr. Özge UYSAL ŞAHİN, 2018
Mulk, Mahal, Insan - Istanbul'da Kentsel Donusum
Kolektif, Cem Tüzün (editor), 2014
Elements of general equilibrium analysis
A. P. Kirman (editor), 1998
The Visual Mind: Art and Mathematics
Michele Emmer (editor), 1993
QLIPHOTH: The Complete Series
Edgar Kerval, Asenath Mason, S. Connolly, Asbjorn Torvol, Alexander Dray, Angela Edwards, Nicholaj Frisvold, Timothy Donaghue (editor), 2019
CUNNING PLANS: Talks By Warren Ellis
Warren Ellis, Ed Zitron (editor), 2015
The Philosophy of Mind (Talking Philosophy)
Anthony O'Hear (editor), 2022
Giornale di bordo dell'aeronauta Giannozzo
Jean Paul, Eugenio Bernardi (editor), 1981
Race to the Next Income Frontier: How Senegal and Other Low-Income Countries Can Reach the Finish Line (French Edition)
International Monetary Fund (editor), 2019
Akëdysséril (French Edition)
Auguste de Villiers de L’Isle-Adam, FB Editions (editor), 2014
Labour and Socialist Movements in Europe before 1914
Dick Geary (editor), 1989
Aeschinis Orationes
Aeschines; Mervin R. Dilts (editor), 1997
Paolo Silenziario. Epigrammi - testo, traduzione e commento a cura di Giovanni Viansino
Paulus Silentiarius; Giovanni Viansino (editor), 1963
Routledge handbook of politics in Asia
Shiping Hua (editor), 2018
Mitos y leyendas del agua en el Perú. Recopilado por escolares peruanos para las generaciones presentes y futuras
Perú. Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento (editor), 2007
Alternative art and anthropology : global encounters
Arnd Schneider (editor), 2020
Transnational Enterprises: Their Impact On Third World Societies And Cultures
Krishna Kumar (editor), 2019
Spiritual Classics: The Thinking Person's Guide to Great Spiritual Books
James M.Russell (editor), Eckhart Tolle, 2022
The Routledge History of Emotions in the Modern World (Routledge Histories)
Peter N. Stearns, Katie Barclay (editor), 2022
Secret Writings of Hoshang Merchant
Hoshang Merchant, Akshaya K. Rath (editor), 2016
Troubled Masculinities: Reimagining Urban Men
Ken Moffatt (editor), 2012
Fermi Remembered
James W. Cronin (editor), 2013