نتایج جستجو

Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications, 4th ed. (Space Technology Library)
David A. Vallado, James Wertz (editor), 2013
Scientific Papers of Ettore Majorana: A New Expanded Edition
Luisa Cifarelli (editor), 2020
Fundamentals and Frontiers of the Josephson Effect (Springer Series in Materials Science (286))
Francesco Tafuri (editor), 2019
Reality and Its Order
Werner Heisenberg, Konrad Kleinknecht (editor), 2019
FAA Di Bruno Hopf Algebras, Dyson-schwinger Equations, and Lie-butcher Series (IRMA Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics)
Frédéric Fauvet, Frederic Fauvet (editor), 2015
Groupoids, Inverse Semigroups, and their Operator Algebras (Progress in Mathematics)
Alan Paterson (editor), 2012
Mental health and well-being in animals
Franklin D. McMillan (editor);, 2020
Surveys in Combinatorics 2017 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Anders Claesson (editor), 2017
Discrete Mathematics and Symmetry
Angel Garrido (editor), 2020
Surveys in Combinatorics 2019 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Allan Lo (editor), 2019
La bellezza come metodo. Saggi e riflessioni su fisica e matematica
Paul A. Dirac, V. Barone (editor), 2019
Galois representations and arithmetic algebraic geometry (Advanced studies in pure mathematics)
Y. Ihara (editor), 1987
The Notre Dame Lectures: Lecture Notes in Logic, 18
Peter Cholak (editor), 2005
Harmonic Analysis on the Heisenberg Group (Progress in Mathematics)
Sundaram Thangavelu (editor), 2012
Advances in Nuclear Fuel Chemistry (Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy)
Markus H.A. Piro (editor), 2020
Big Data Analytics - Methods and Applications
Jovan Pehcevski (editor), 2018
Cold Pressed Oils: Green Technology, Bioactive Compounds, Functionality, and Applications
Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan (editor), 2020
Mathematical Methods in Engineering and Applied Sciences (Mathematics and its Applications)
Hemen Dutta (editor), 2020
Military Applications of Data Analytics (Data Analytics Applications)
Kevin Huggins (editor), 2018
In primam partem Samuhelis libri IIII ; In Regum librum XXX quaestiones
the Venerable Saint Bede; OSB David Hurst (editor); the Venerable Saint Bede, 1962