نتایج جستجو

International Trends in University Governance: Autonomy, self-government and the distribution of authority
Michael Shattock (editor), 2014
William Langland's Piers Plowman: A Book of Essays
Kathleen M. Hewett-Smith (editor), 2001
The Internet, Democracy and Democratization
Peter Ferdinand (editor), 2000
Democratization and the Media
Vicky Randall (editor), 1998
Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization
Heinrich Zimmer, Joseph Campbell (editor), 1946
Opposition and Democracy in South Africa
Roger Southall (editor), 2001
Voice and Power in Africa's Democracy: Institutions, Participation and Accountability
Said Adejumobi (editor), 2017
Introduction to Clifford Algebra
Johan Ceballos (editor)
Debating Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Conflicting Perspectives on Causes, Contexts, and Responses
Stuart Gottlieb (editor), 2013
Surrounding Self-Control
Alfred R. Mele (editor), 2020
Anesthesiology In-Training Exam Review: Regional Anesthesia and Chronic Pain
Ratan K. Banik (editor), 2022
Radioisotopes in Weed Research
Kassio Mendes (editor), 2020
Slow journalism
Megan Le Masurier (editor), 2020
Transforming Gendered Well-Being in Europe: The Impact of Social Movements
Jean-Michel Bonvin, Alison E. Woodward (editor), 2011
Research Handbook on Economic Sanctions
Peter A.G. van Bergeijk (editor), 2021
Japan’s World Power: Assessment, Outlook and Vision
Guibourg Delamotte (editor), 2017
Italian Women at War: Sisters in Arms from the Unification to the Twentieth Century
Susan Amatangelo (editor), 2016
The Universities in the Nineteenth Century
Michael Sanderson (editor), 2016
Studija o procjeni utjecaja na okoliš za CHE Vrilo : Dopuna studije
Borislav Puljić (editor), 2013
Cultures of Currencies: Literature and the Symbolic Foundation of Money
Joan Ramon Resina (editor), 2022
Cartooning China: Punch, Power, & Politics in the Victorian Era
Amy Matthewson, Harriet E H Earle (editor), 2022
Hercegovina . časopis za kulturno i historijsko nasljeđe (15-16)
Šaban Zahirović (editor), 2003
Hrvatski franjevački biografski leksikon
Vicko Kapitanović (editor), 2001
Identifikacija kulturnih i prirodnih resursa Imotske krajine
Luka Kolovrat (editor), 2010