نتایج جستجو

Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Bali dengan Huruf Latin
Tim Penyusun, Ida Ayu Mirah Purwiati, Ni Putu Ekatini Negari, I Wayan Sudiartha, 2013
Latin Prose Composition: A Guide from GCSE to A Level and Beyond
Andrew Leigh, 2019
Shifting Frontiers of Citizenship: The Latin American Experience
Mario Sznajder, 2012
Sintaxis del latín clásico
José Miguel Baños, 2009
An Introduction to Latin American Philosophy
Susana Nuccetelli, 2020
An Introduction to Latin American Philosophy
Susana Nuccetelli, 2020
Segunda Escuela de Posgrado Iberoamericana de Astrobiología; Astrobiología: del big bang a las civilizaciones; Tópicos especiales en ciencias básicas e ingeniería; Vol.:1; 2010
Lemarchand, Guillermo A.; Tancredi, Gonzalo; UNESCO Office Montevideo and Regional Bureau for Science in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2010
The Fragmentary Latin Histories of Late Antiquity (Ad 300-620): Edition, Translation and Commentary
Lieve Van Hoof; Peter Van Nuffelen, 2020
Hagiography and the History of Latin Christendom, 500-1500
Samantha Kahn Herrick, 2019
Beyond the Eagle's Shadow: New Histories of Latin America's Cold War
Virginia Garrard-Burnett; Mark Atwood Lawrence; Julio E. Moreno, 2014
The Oxford Handbook of Latin Palaeography
Frank Coulson, Robert Babcock, 2020
Latin for All Occasions
Henry Beard, 2010
The Costs of Inequality in Latin America
Sánchez-Ancochea, Diego, 2020
English Words from Latin and Greek Elements
Donald M. Ayers, Thomas D. Worthen, R. L. Cherry, 1986
U.S. and Latin American Relations
Gregory B. Weeks, 2015
Anglo-Saxon Psychologies in the Vernacular and Latin Traditions
Leslie Lockett, 2011
Memory and modernity : popular culture in Latin America
William Rowe; Vivian Schelling, 1991
Cinema and social change in Latin America : conversations with filmmakers
Julianne Burton, 1986
Rethinking Protestantism in Latin America
David Stoll; Virginia Garrard-Burnett, 1993
Complementum Thesaurus Linguarum Orientalium (Latin to Turkish)
Franciszek Mesgnien Meninski, 1687
Rereading Women in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Political Economy of Gender
Jennifer Abbassi (editor), Sheryl Lutjens (editor), 2002