نتایج جستجو

Domination and the Arts of Resistance: Hidden Transcripts Revised ed. Edition
James C. Scott, 1992
Curating Dramaturgies: How Dramaturgy and Curating are Intersecting in the Contemporary Arts
Peter Eckersall, Bertie Ferdman, 2021
Anthropologies of Art (Clark Studies in the Visual Arts)
Mariët Westermann (editor), 2005
Legacies of Christian Languaging and Literacies in American Education: Perspectives on English Language Arts Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning
Mary M. Juzwik, Jennifer C. Stone, Kevin J. Burke, Denise Dávila, 2019
Terrorism and the Arts: Practices and Critiques in Contemporary Cultural Production
Jonathan Harris, 2021
Paper Swordsmen: Jin Yong and the Modern Chinese Martial Arts Novel
John Christopher Hamm, 2005
Traditional Japanese Arts and Culture: An Illustrated Sourcebook
Stephen Addiss (editor), Gerald Groemer (editor), J.Thomas Rimer (editor), 2006
Applying Body Mapping in Research: An Arts-Based Method
Katherine M. Boydell, Angela Dew, Susan Collings, Kate Senior, Louisa Smith, 2020
Pop Culture China!: Media, Arts, and Lifestyle
Kevin Latham, 2007
Innovations in English Language Arts Teacher Education
Heidi L. Hallman, 2017
Another Aesthetics Is Possible : Arts of Rebellion in the Fourth World War
Jennifer Ponce de León, 2021
The Timeline Book of the Arts
George Ochoa, Melinda Corey, 1995
AI for Arts
Niklas Hageback, Daniel Hedblom, 2021
Graffiti and the Writing Arts of Early Modern England
Juliet Fleming, 2011
Understanding the Arts
John Hospers, 1982
Little Boy: The Arts of Japan's Exploding Subculture; リトルボーイ : 爆発する日本のサブカルチャー・アート
Takashi Murakami (editor); 村上隆, 2005
Sounding New Media: Immersion and Embodiment in the Arts and Culture
Frances Dyson, 2009