نتایج جستجو

Business Intelligence for Solar Power Electronics
Sumit Chakraborty, 2015
Marketing Judo: Building Your Business Using Brains Not Budget
John Barnes, Richard Richardson, 2002
Business risk and simulation modelling in practice : using Excel, VBA and @RISK
Rees, Michael, 2015
Oracle Primavera Contract Management: Business Intelligence Publisher Edition v14
Stephen D. Kelly, 2012
Managing Projects as Investments: Earned Value to Business Value
Stephen A. Devaux, 2014
Managing Projects as Investments: Earned Value to Business Value
Stephen A Devaux, 2014
Creating Valuable Business Strategies
Shiv S Mathur, Alfred Kenyon, 2007
Creating Value, Second Edition: Successful Business Strategies
Shiv S Mathur, Alfred Kenyon, 2001
Creating Value, Second Edition: Successful Business Strategies
Shiv S Mathur, Alfred Kenyon, 2001
Creating Value: Successful Business Strategies
Shiv S Mathur, Alfred Kenyon, 2001
Creating Value: Successful Business Strategies
Shiv Mathur Alfred Kenyon, 2001
Creating Value: Successful Business Strategies
Shiv Mathur Alfred Kenyon, 2001
Engineering and Commercial Functions in Business
W. Bolton (Auth.), 1994
Academic Writing for International Students of Business
Stephen Bailey, 2010
Academic writing for international students of business
Stephen Bailey, 2011
Integrierte Business-Informationssysteme: ERP, SCM, CRM, BI, Big Data Analytics – Prozesssimulation, Rollenspiel, Serious Gaming
Klaus-Dieter Gronwald (auth.), 2015
Organization Development: A Jossey-Bass Reader (The Jossey-Bass Business and Management Reader Series)
Edgar H. Schein, Joan V. Gallos, 2006