نتایج جستجو

Philosophy Inc.: Applying Wisdom to Everyday Management
Santiago Iñiguez, 2022
Creativity, Inc. (The Expanded Edition): Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration
Ed Catmull; Amy Wallace, 2023
Jasmine Hard Disk Encyclopedia
Jasmine Technologies, Inc., 1988
American Sexual Behavior: Demographics of Sexual Activity, Fertility and Childbearing
Inc. New Strategist Publications, 2006
Academic Press Library in Signal Processing, Volume 5: Image and Video Compression and Multimedia
Sergios Theodoridis, Rama Chellappa, 2014
Academic Language in Diverse Classrooms: English Language Arts, Grades 3-5: Promoting Content and Language Learning
Margo Gottlieb, Gisela Ernst-Slavit, 2013
Academic Reading IELTS
British Council
Academic Writing Practice for IELTS
Sam McCarter, 2002
Action Plan for IELTS Self-study Student's Book Academic Module
Vanessa Jakeman, Clare McDowell,, 2006
Activating 1001 Academic Words for IELTS: ..and Other English Language Tests
Keith Burgess, 2007
Academic Freedom in an Age of Conformity: Confronting the Fear of Knowledge
Joanna Williams (auth.), 2016
IELTS - The Complete Guide to Academic Reading
Phil Biggerton, 2012
IELTS Foundation Study Skills: a self-study course for all Academic Modules
Rachael Roberts, Joanne Gakonga, Andrew Preshous, 2004
IELTS Preparation and Practice: Reading and Writing - Academic Module (Oxford ANZ English)
Wendy Sahanaya, Jeremy Lindeck, Richard Stewart, 1999
Mission IELTS: teacher's book. Academic, Volume 1
Bob Obee, Mary Spratt, 2010
Target Band 7: How to Maximize Your Score (IELTS Academic Module)
Simone Braverman, 2008
Target Band 7: How to Maximize Your Score (IELTS Academic Module)
Simone Braverman, 2008
The New Prepare for IELTS: Academic Modules
Penelope Cameron, 2002
Learning to Lead in the Academic Medical Center: A Practical Guide
Jeffrey L. Houpt, Roderick W Gilkey, Susan H. Ehringhaus (auth.), 2015
How to Build a Life in the Humanities: Meditations on the Academic Work-Life Balance
Greg Colón Semenza, Garrett A. Sullivan Jr. (eds.), 2015
Assessing What Professors Do: An Introduction to Academic Performance Appraisal in Higher Education
D M Bialik, David A Dilts, L J Haber, 1994
Academic's Support Kit
Professor Rebecca Boden, Professor Debbie Epstein, Jane Kenway, 2005