نتایج جستجو

Orthodontics and paediatric dentistry
Declan Millett BDSc DDS FDS(RCPSGlasg) DOrthRCS(Eng) MOrthRCS(Eng), Richard Welbury MBBSBDSPhDFDSRCS, 2000
Principles and Practice of Endodontics
Richard E. Walton DMDMS, Mahmoud Torabinejad DMDMSDPhD, 2002
Problem Solving in Endodontics: Prevention, Identification and Management, 5e
James L. Gutmann DDSCertEndoPhD(honoris causa)FACDFICDFADI, Paul E. Lovdahl DDSMSDFACDFADI, 2010
Temporary Anchorage Devices in Orthodontics
Ravindra Nanda BDSMDSPhD, 2008
The Johns Hopkins Guide to Diabetes: For Today and Tomorrow (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)
Dr. Christopher D. Saudek MD, Professor Richard R. Rubin PhD CDE, Ms. Cynthia S. Shump RN CDE, 1997
Architects Sketches: Dialogue and Design
Kendra Schank Smith PhD in HistoryTheoryCriticismand Representation, 2008
Architects Sketches: Dialogue and Design
Kendra Schank Smith PhD in HistoryTheoryCriticismand Representation, 2008
Antithrombotic Drug Therapy in Cardiovascular Disease
Edward F. Plow PHD, Peter Kelly MD (auth.), Arman T. Askari, A. Michael Lincoff (eds.), 2010
Clinical Guide to Nutrition and Dietary Supplements in Disease Management
Jennifer R. Jamison MBBChPhDEdD, 2003
Dail and Hammar’s Pulmonary Pathology: Volume II: Neoplastic Lung Disease
William George Morice MD, PhD, Thomas V. Colby MD (auth.), Joseph F. Tomashefski Jr. MD, Philip T. Cagle MD, Carol F. Farver MD, Armando E. Fraire MD (eds.), 2008
Diseases of DNA Repair
Vijaya Sarathi, Nalini S. Shah (auth.), Shamim I. Ahmad BSc, MSc, PhD (eds.), 2010
Drug Discovery and Development for Alzheimer's Disease (2000)
Howard M. Fillit MD, Alan W. O'Connell PhD, 2001
Eosinophilic and Autoimmune Gastrointestinal Disease: New Insights and New Entities, An Issue of Gastroenterology Clinics
Nicholas J. Talley MDPhDFACPFRACPFRCP, 2008
Rare Diseases Epidemiology
Stephen C. Groft, Manuel Posada de la Paz MD, PhD (auth.), Manuel Posada de la Paz, Stephen C. Groft (eds.), 2010
Veterinary Epidemiology (Practical Veterinarian)
Margaret R. Slater DVMPhD, 2002
Lippincott's Illustrated Q&A Review of Histology
Guiyun Zhang, Bruce A. Fenderson PhD, 2014
Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System, With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access
Abul K. Abbas MBBS, Andrew H. Lichtman MDPhD, Shiv Pillai MD, 2008
Clinical and Basic Immunodermatology
Oliver A. Perez, Brian Berman (auth.), Anthony A. Gaspari MD, Stephen K. Tyring MD, PhD (eds.), 2008
Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases: A Molecular and Genetic Approach
Hans D. OchsMDDr.med, C. I. Edvard SmithPhD, Jennifer M. PuckMD, 2013
Recombinant Antibodies for Immunotherapy
Melvyn Little PhD, 2009
Sensitization of Cancer Cells for Chemo/Immuno/Radio-therapy
H. Peter Vollmers, Stephanie Brändlein (auth.), Benjamin Bonavida PhD (eds.), 2008
Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Pain Management
Michael I. Weintraub MDFACPFAAN, Ravinder Mamtani MBBSMDMSc, Marc S. Micozzi MDPhD, 2008
Bullying, Rejection, & Peer Victimization: A Social Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective
Monica J. Harris PhD, 2009