نتایج جستجو

Ippia Maggiore. Sul bello. Dialoghi socratici. Testo greco a fronte
Platone, G. Reale (editor), 2015
Lachete. Sul coraggio. Testo greco a fronte
Platone, G. Reale (editor), 2015
Liside. Sull'amicizia. Dialoghi socratici. Testo greco a fronte
Platone, G. Reale (editor), 2015
Spintronic 2D Materials: Fundamentals and Applications (Materials Today)
Wenqing Liu (editor), 2019
L'operazione storica
Michel de Certeau, P. Fabbri (editor), 2014
Passioni. L'offerta obliqua. Testo originale a fronte
Jacques Derrida, G. Dalmasso (editor), 2019
Pensare al non vedere. Scritti sulle arti del visibile (1979-2004)
Jacques Derrida, A. Cariolato (editor), 2016
Salvo il nome. Testo originale a fronte
Jacques Derrida, G. Dalmasso (editor), 2020
Spinoza. Filosofia pratica
Gilles Deleuze, M. Senaldi (editor), 2016
I vangeli apocrifi
M. Craveri (editor), 2014
2D Nanomaterials for Energy Applications: Graphene and Beyond (Micro and Nano Technologies)
Spyridon Zafeiratos (editor), 2019
Accident-Tolerant Materials for Light Water Reactor Fuels
Raul B. Rebak (editor), 2020
Differential Geometry
Ion Mihai (editor), 2019
Discrete Mathematics and Symmetry
Angel Garrido (editor), 2020
Entropy Measures for Data Analysis: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
Karsten Keller (editor), 2019
From Probability to Finance: Lecture Notes of BICMR Summer School on Financial Mathematics
Ying Jiao (editor), 2020
Women and Russia: feminist writings from the Soviet Union /
Tatyana Mamonova, editor with the assistance of Sarah Matilsky ; foreword by Robin Morgan ; translated by Rebecca Park and Catherine A. Fitzpatrick., 1984.
Chi è dunque l'altro?
Marc Augé, A. D'Orsi (editor), 2019
Netter. Anatomía Clínica
John T. Hansen, Victor Götzens García (editor), 2015
Inderbir Singh's Textbook of Anatomy: Thorax, Abdomen and Pelvis
Inderbir Singh; Cutā Cēṣayyan̲ (editor), 2016
Inderbir Singh's Textbook of anatomy Head and Neck Neuroanatomy Genetics
Inderbir Singh; Cutā Cēṣayyan̲ (editor), 2016
Inderbir Singh's Textbook of anatomy General Anatomy, Upper Limb, Lower Limb
Inderbir Singh; Cutā Cēṣayyan̲ (editor), 2016