نتایج جستجو

Dizionario patristico e di antichità cristiane. Atlante patristico-Indici
Angelo Di Berardino (editor), 2000
La ricerca non ha fine. Autobiografia intellettuale
Karl R. Popper, Dario Antiseri (editor), 1997
Storia di Goa. L'India portoghese sulla via delle spezie
Joao Pedro George Avellar, Francesco Ambrosini (editor), 2022
The Critical Writings of Oscar Wilde: An Annotated Selection
Oscar Wilde, Nicholas Frankel (editor), 2022
Dizionario delle concezioni religiose
Mircea Eliade (editor), 2019
Disjointed: Navigating the Diagnosis and Management of hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder
Diana Jovin (Editor); Paldeep Atwal, M.D.; Richard Barnum, M.D.; Linda Bluestein, M.D.; Pradeep Chopra, M.D.; Tania Dempsey, M.D.; Shanda Dorff, M.D.; Kristin Herman, M.D.; Matthew Hamilton, M.D.; Myles Koby, M.D.; Petra Klinge, M.D.; Anne Maitland, M.D.; Andrew J. Maxwell, M.D.; John Mitakides, D.D.S.; Alan G. Pocinki, M.D.; Lila Rosenthal, M.D.; David Saperstein, M.D.; Jill Schofield, M.D.; Jordan Tishler, M.D.; Emily Block, OTR/L; Nancy Block, P.T., A.T.Ret.; and others, 2020
Dialoghi sul clima. Tra emergenza e conoscenza
Alberto Prestininzi (editor), 2022
Odyssea. Responsio Ulixis Ad Penelopen: Die humanistische Odyssea decurtata der Berliner Handschrift Diez. B Sant. 41
Bernd Schneider (editor), 2002
B.R. Ambedkar and Social Transformation: Revisiting the Philosophy and Reclaiming Social Justice
Jagannatham Begari (editor), 2021
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Volume LVIII
Victor Caston (editor), 2021
Fotografia del XX secolo. Museum Ludwig Colonia. Ediz. illustrata
Reinhold Misselbeck (editor), 2011
Colors 1800 / 1900 / 2000: Signs of Ethnic Difference
Birgit Tautz (editor), 2004
Ascendant II: Theology for Modern Polytheists
Michael Hardy (Editor), 2019
Music in European Thought 1851–1912
Bojan Bujic (editor), 1988
Multiculturalismo. Ideologia e sfide
Carlo Galli (editor), 2006
Racconti di nativi americani: il mio popolo, i Sioux
Luther Standing Bear, Raffaella Milandri (editor), 2022
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy: Volume I
Julia Annas (editor), 1984
New Perspectives in Seleucid History, Archaeology and Numismatics: Studies in Honor of Getzel M. Cohen
Roland Oetjen (editor), 2019
Il nodo di Gordio
Ernst Jünger, Carl Schmitt, Giovanni Gurisatti (editor), 2023
Iconarts. Internazionale delle arti contemporanee
Livia Savorelli (editor), 2006
The Warrior and the Pacifist: Competing Motifs in Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Lester R. Kurtz (editor), 2018
Septuaginta. Band 16,1: Ezechiel. Mit einem Nachtrag von D. Fraenkel
Joseph Ziegler (editor), 2006