نتایج جستجو

Reproductive Agency, Medicine and the State: Cultural Transformations in Childbearing
Maya Unnithan-Kumar (editor), 2004
Tout sur la photo : panorama des chefs-d'oeuvre et des techniques
Juliet Hacking (editor), 2017
Der Siebenjährige Krieg 1756–1763: Mikro- und Makroperspektiven
Marian Füssel (editor), 2021
Teaching Research Methods in Political Science (Elgar Guides to Teaching)
Jeffrey L. Bernstein (editor), 2021
Il mondo magico. Prolegomeni a una storia del magismo
Ernesto De Martino, Marcello Massenzio (editor), 2022
Future Indicative: Literary Theory and Canadian Literature
John Moss (editor), 1987
Beyond Bollywood and Broadway: Plays from the South Asian Diaspora
Neilesh Bose (editor), 2009
Avant-Pop: Fiction for a Daydream Nation (Black Ice Books)
Larry McCaffery (editor), 1993
VLSI Architectures for Future Video Coding (Materials, Circuits and Devices)
Maurizio Martina (editor), 2019
Fault Diagnosis for Robust Inverter Power Drives (Energy Engineering)
Antonio Ginart (editor), 2019
Learning to Understand Remote Sensing Images
Qi Wang (editor), 2019
Rise and Decline of the Post-Cold War International Order
Hanns W. Maull (editor), 2019
Test für medizinische Studiengänge I: Originalversion I des TMS
ITB Consulting (editor), 2016
Court and Bakufu in Japan: Essays in Kamakura History
Jeffrey P. Mass (editor), 1995
Conservative Moments: Reading Conservative Texts
Mark Garnett (editor), 2018
Democratic Moments: Reading Democratic Texts
Xavier Marquez (editor), 2018
Shakespeare and Asia
Jonathan Locke Hart (editor), 2018
La città delle dame
Christine de Pizan, Patrizia Caraffi (editor), 2004
Imperialism and Colonialism: Christopher Bayly, Richard Rathbone and Richard Drayton
Alan MacFarlane, Radha Bteille (editor), 2022
CSR and Sustainability: From the Margins to the Mainstream: A Textbook
Michael Hopkins (editor), 2016
La svolta linguistica. Tre saggi su linguaggio e filosofia
Richard Rorty, Diego Marconi (editor), 1999
Essays in legal philosophy
Robert Summers (editor), 1968
RD Great American Road Trips Hidden Gems
Reader's Digest (editor), 2022
The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Sociolinguistics
Geeslin, Kimberly (editor), 2022