نتایج جستجو

Barraques. La lluita dels invisibles
Laura de Andrés Creus
El preu de la fam. L’estraperlo a la Catalunya de la postguerra
Laura de Andrés Creus
El poder transformador de la lectura
Laura Borràs, 2020
The Teaching Archive: A New History for Literary Study
Rachel Sagner Buurma; Laura Heffernan, 2020
The Teaching Archive: A New History for Literary Study
Rachel Sagner Buurma; Laura Heffernan, 2020
Ecological Integrity, Law and Governance
Laura Westra, Klaus Bosselmann, Janice Gray, Kathryn Gwiazdon, 2018
An Introduction to the Physics of Nuclear Medicine
Laura Harkness-Brennan, 2018
Samuel Beckett: Laughing Matters, Comic Timing
Laura Salisbury, 2012
Llewellyn's 2022 Sabbats Almanac: Samhain 2021 to Mabon 2022
Natalie Zaman, Tess Whitehurst, Lupa, Ivo Dominguez Jr, Suzanne Ress, Blake Octavian Blair, Laura Tempest Zakroff, Kate Freuler, Robin Ivy Payton, Jason Mankey, Elizabeth Barrette, Charlie Rainbow Wolf , Ember Grant, Llewellyn, 2021
Laura: A Case Study for the Modularity of Language
Jeni Yamada, John C. Marshall, 1991
Quem são as mulheres das políticas para mulheres no Brasil? Volume II Expressões feministas nas conferências nacionais de políticas para as mulheres
Matos, Marlise; Alvarez, Sonia; Schumaher, Schuma; Simões, Solange; Monagreda, Johanna; Martello, Laura; Cypriano, Breno. Biroli, Flávia., 2018
Early Years Nutrition and Healthy Weight
Laura Stewart, Joyce Thompson, 2015
Il carteggio apocrifo di Seneca e san Paolo: introduzione, testo, commento
Laura Bocciolini Palagi, 1978
The Roman Paratext: Frame, Texts, Readers
Laura Jansen, 2014
The Routledge Handbook of International Development, Mental Health and Wellbeing
Laura Davidson (ed.), 2019
Emerging Practices in Architectural Pedagogy: Accommodating an Uncertain Future
Laura Sanderson, Sally Stone, 2021
Perspectivas teóricas y experimentales sobre el español de la Argentina
Laura Colantoni; Celeste Rodríguez Louro, 2013
Lost Bodies: Inhabiting the Borders of Life and Death
Laura E. Tanner, 2006
Lehne’s Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurses and Physician Assistants
Laura D. Rosenthal, Jacqueline Rosenjack Burchum, 2020
Spectrum's guide to autism 2020
Kristin Ozelli; Rebecca Horne; Hope Vanderberg; Ingrid Wickelgren; Nicholette Zeliadt; Angie Voyles Askham; Laura Dattaro; Peter Hess; JaclynJeffrey-Wilensky; Chelsey B. Coombs; Ashfia Alam, 2020
The 11 Immutable Laws of the Internet
Al Ries; Laura Ries, 2001
Digital Capital: A Bourdieusian Perspective on the Digital Divide
Massimo Ragnedda, Maria Laura Ruiu, 2020