نتایج جستجو

Research Handbook on International Law and Terrorism
Ben Saul (editor), 2020
Protestantism and Progress: A Historical Study of the Relation of Protestantism to the Modern World
Ernst Troeltsch (editor), Howard G. Schneiderman (introduction), 2013
Queenship and Political Power in Medieval and Early Modern Spain
Theresa Earenfight (editor), 2005
Scripturalizing the Human: The Written as the Political
Vincent L. Wimbush (editor), 2015
Visions of the East: Orientalism in Film
Matthew Bernstein (editor), 1997
Gender and the Media: Women's Places
Vasilikie Demos (editor), 2018
Sport and Brexit: Regulatory Challenges and Legacies
Jacob Kornbeck (editor), 2022
Television Antiheroines: Women Behaving Badly in Crime and Prison Drama
Milly Buonanno (editor), 2017
Television Antiheroines: Women Behaving Badly in Crime and Prison Drama
Milly Buonanno (editor), 2017
Social Im/mobilities in Africa: Ethnographic Approaches
Joel Noret (editor), 2019
¡No está, Sí está! : Gato, Oso, Pato (Libros ilustrados de animales para bebes hasta 3 años nº 1) (Spanish Edition)
Alice Hathaward, Jorge Morral Oyamburu (editor), 2013
The Way We Will Be 50 Years from Today: 60 of the World's Greatest Minds Share Their Visions of the Next Half Century
Mike Wallace (editor), Louis Ignarro, 2008
Sin Puertas Visibles: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry by Mexican Women
Jen Hofer (editor), 2003
United Nations Financial Sanctions
Sachiko Yoshimura (editor), 2020
Yaa Asantewaa and the Asante-British War of 1900-1
A. Adu Boahen, Emmanuel Akyeampong (editor), 2003
Myself and My Aims: Writings on Art and Criticism
Kurt Schwitters, Megan R. Luke (editor), Timothy Grundy (transl.), 2021
The Reason of State
Giovanni Botero, Robert Bireley (editor), 2017
Theorizing a new agenda for architecture : an anthology of architectural theory, 1965-1995
Kate Nesbitt (editor), 1996
Black Male: Representations of Masculinity in Contemporary American Art
Thelma Golden (editor), 1994
The Graceful Guru: Hindu Female Gurus in India and the United States
Karen Pechilis (editor), 2004
The Social Life of Trees: Anthropological Perspectives on Tree Symbolism
Laura Rival (editor), 1998
Analytical Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence: From Fundamentals to Bioassays (Detection Science)
Neso Sojic (editor), 2019
Studying Transcultural Literary History
Gunilla Lindberg-Wada (editor), 2006
New Perspectives in Indian Science and Civilization
Makarand R. Paranjape (editor), 2019