نتایج جستجو

The Norton Anthology of World Literature
Martin Puchner (editor), 2018
Thucydides: Pylos 425 BC; Book IV, 2-41
J.B. Wilson (editor), 1979
Meta-Learning: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
Lan Zou (editor), 2022
Teologia politica II. La leggenda della liquidazione di ogni teologia politica
Carl Schmitt, Antonio Caracciolo (editor), 1992
Lesser and Anonymous Fragments of Greek Lyric Poetry: A Commentary
Malcolm Davies (editor), 2021
The Strange Death of Soviet Communism: A Postscript
Nikolas K. Gvosdev (editor), 2008
Reading Roman Declamation - Calpurnius Flaccus
Martin T. Dinter (editor), 2017
Reading Roman Declamation - Calpurnius Flaccus
Martin T. Dinter (editor), 2017
Media and Politics in the Southern Mediterranean: Communicating Power in Transition After 2011
Roxane Farmanfarmaian (editor), 2020
Koinotaton Doron: Das Spate Byzanz Zwischen Machtlosigkeit Und Kultureller Blute (1204 1461)
Albrecht Berger (editor), 2016
Preparing for Marriage
Dennis Rainey (editor), 2010
The Cambridge Companion to Genesis
Bill T. Arnold (editor), 2022
Never the Twain Shall Meet?: Latins and Greeks Learning from Each Other in Byzantium
Denis Searby (editor), 2017
Never the Twain Shall Meet?: Latins and Greeks Learning from Each Other in Byzantium
Denis Searby (editor), 2017
Ritual and Speculation in Early Tantrism: Studies in Honor of Andre Padoux
Teun Goudriaan (Editor), 1992
Des Niloten Horapollon Hieroglyphenbuch: Band I: Text Und Übersetzung
Heinz-Josef Thissen (editor), 2000
Raphael Urbinas. Il mito della Fornarina
Carlo Pirovano (editor), 1983
Sexually Transmissible Oral Diseases
S. R. Prabhu (editor), 2023
Chinese Ideology
Shiping Hua (editor), 2021
Ein ptolemäisches Priesterdekret aus dem Jahr 186 v. Chr.: Eine neue Version von Philensis II in Kairo
Mamdouh Eldamaty (editor), 2005
Teppa. Storie del conflitto giovanile dal Rinascimento ai giorni nostri
Valerio Marchi, Wu Ming 5 (editor), 2014
Koinotaton Doron: Das Spate Byzanz Zwischen Machtlosigkeit Und Kultureller Blute (1204 1461)
Albrecht Berger (editor), 2016
Le novelle
Aldo Palazzeschi, Gino Tellini (editor), 2023
Primary and Secondary Qualities: The Historical and Ongoing Debate
Lawrence Nolan (editor), 2011