نتایج جستجو

Modern Synthetic Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry: From Monosaccharides to Complex Glycoconjugates
Daniel B. Werz, Sébastien Vidal, David Crich, 2013
Modern Times: Temporality in Art and Politics
Jacques Rancière, 2022
Palaces of Time: Jewish Calendar and Culture in Early Modern Europe
Elisheva Carlebach, 2011
Chinese painting colors : studies on their preparation and application in traditional and modern times
Feian Yu, Jerome Silbergeld, Amy McNair, 1988
Lectures on Modern Idealism
Josiah Royce
Gendering Modern Japanese History
Barbara Molony (editor), Kathleen Uno (editor), 2005
Hero and Hero-Worship: Fandom in Modern India
Rahul Chaturvedi (editor), Hariom Singh (editor), Anita Singh (editor), 2020
Modern Orthodoxies: Judaic Imaginative Journeys of the Twentieth Century
Lisa Mulman, 2012
The origins of modern leftism
Richard Gombin, Michael K. Perl, 1975
Make Origami In the Modern World
Luckle Publishing, 2022
Craft Culture in Early Modern Japan: Materials, Makers, and Mastery
Christine M. E. Guth, 2021
Criminality and the Modern: Contingency and Agency in Twentieth-Century America
Stephen Brauer, 2022
How about demons? : possession and exorcism in the modern world
Felicitas D. Goodman, 1988
Modern Türkiye'de Siyasi Düşünce - Cilt 1: Cumhuriyet'e Devreden Düşünce Mirası: Tanzimat ve Meşrutiyet'in Birikimi
Mehmet Ö. Alkan, Tanıl Bora, Murat Gültekingil, 2019
Modern Türkiye'de Siyasi Düşünce - Cilt 2: Kemalizm
Ahmet İnsel, Tanıl Bora, Murat Gültekingil, 2009
Modern Türkiye'de Siyasi Düşünce - Cilt 3: Modernleşme ve Batıcılık
Uygur Kocabaşoğlu, Tanıl Bora, Murat Gültekingil, 2007
Modern Türkiye'de Siyasi Düşünce - Cilt 4: Milliyetçilik
Tanıl Bora, Murat Gültekingil, 2008
Antisemitism and Its Opponents in Modern Poland
Robert E. Blobaum, 2005
Lion City: Singapore and the Invention of Modern Asia
Jeevan Vasagar, 2022
Greetings from the Teklimakan: A handbook of Modern Uyghur (Book + Audio)
Tarjei Enges?th, Mahire Yakup, Arienne M. Dwyer, 2009
Greetings from the Teklimakan: A handbook of Modern Uyghur (Version 1.1)
Tarjei Enges?th, Mahire Yakup, Arienne M. Dwyer, 2009
Yoga in Modern Hinduism: Hariharānanda Āraṇya and Sāṃkhyayoga
Knut A. Jacobsen, 2017