نتایج جستجو

Re-Imagining Nature: Environmental Humanities and Ecosemiotics
Alfred Kentigern Siewers (editor), 2013
Ranocchi sulla luna e altri animali
Primo Levi, Ernesto Ferrero (editor), 2014
Aeneid. Book IX
Publius Vergilius Maro; Philip R. Hardie (editor), 2002
Aeneidos liber primus = Aeneis Book 1
Virgil; Roland Gregory Austin (editor), 1971
P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos. Liber Tertius - Aeneid Book 3
Virgil; Robert Deryck Williams (editor), 1967
Neoliberalism, Critical Pedagogy and Education
Ravi Kumar (editor), 2015
Women and Religion: Global Lives in Focus
Susan M. Shaw (editor), 2021
Music and Gesture
Elaine King, Anthony Gritten (editor), 2006
Revisiting the Law and Governance of Trafficking, Forced Labor and Modern Slavery
Prabha Kotiswaran (editor), 2017
Contemporary Slavery: Popular Rhetoric and Political Practice (Law and Society)
Annie Bunting (editor), 2017
I detti di Confucio
Simon Leys (editor), 2016
Local Politics in Afghanistan: A Century of Intervention in the Social Order
Conrad Schetter (editor), 2013
Religious Change in Europe 1650-1914: Essays for John McManners
Nigel Aston (editor), 1997
Handbook of Research on Equity in Computer Science in P-16 Education
Yune Tran (editor), 2020
The Experience of Neoliberal Education
Bonnie Urciuoli (editor), 2018
Imagination Now: A Richard Kearney Reader
Richard Kearney, M. E. Littlejohn (editor), 2020
The Experience of Neoliberal Education
Bonnie Urciuoli (editor), 2018
Scritti politici
Gaetano Mosca, G. Sola (editor), 1982
Libro dell'acqua
Eduard Limonov, Mario Caramitti (editor), 2004
Trattato sul primo principio. Testo latino a fronte
Giovanni Duns Scoto, Pasquale Porro (editor), 2008
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen: A Shining Life for Science
Uwe Busch (editor), 2021
The New Yale Book of Quotations
Fred R. Shapiro (editor), 2021