نتایج جستجو

HR: The New Agenda
Paul Norman (editor), 2021
Taciti, P. Corneli, libri qui supersunt: Tom I. Pars 2. Ab excessu divi Augusti (Annales libri XI - XVI)
P. Cornelius Tacitus, Kenneth Wellesley (editor), 1986
Vettii Valentis Antiocheni anthologiarum libri novem
- Vettius Valens, David Pingree (editor), 1986
Carmina cum Fragmentis, Pars II: Fragmenta, Indices
Pindar, H. Maehler (editor), 1998
Demosthenis orationes: Editio maior: Vol. I Pars I - III, Orationes I - XIX continens
- Demosthenes, Carolus Fuhr (editor), 1994
Pausaniae Graeciae descriptio: Vol. III, Libri IX-X. Indices
Maria Helena Rocha-Pereira (editor), 1989
De medicina: Editio altera
Daniela Manetti (editor), Anonymus Londiniensis, 2022
Jews and Germans in Eastern Europe: Shared and Comparative Histories
Tobias Grill (editor), 2019
Manilii astronomica
George P. Goold (editor), 1998
Manuel de linguistique française
Claudia Polzin-Haumann (editor), 2015
Senecae philosophi opera: Apocolocyntosis
Lucius Annaeus Seneca (Philosophus NULL), Renata Roncali (editor), 1990
The Moral Psychology of Envy
Sara Protasi (editor), 2022
"Well, Doc, You're In": Freeman Dyson’s Journey through the Universe
David Kaiser (editor), 2022
Pselli, Michaelis, poemata
L. G. Westerink (editor), 1992
Pselli, Michaelis, orationes panegyricae
George T. Dennis (editor), 1994
Schleiermacher and Whitehead: Open Systems in Dialogue
Christine Helmer (editor), 2004
Renaissance Humanism, Volume 1: Foundations, Forms, and Legacy (Anniversary Collection)
Albert RabilJr. (editor), 1988
British Economic Development in South East Asia, 1880–1939, Volume 2: Mining, Trade and Industry
David Sunderland (editor), 2016
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneis
Publius Vergilius Maro, Gian Biagio Conte (editor), 2009
Psalms In/On Jerusalem
Pardes, Ilana, Münz-Manor, Ophir, Ophir Pardes, Ilana / Münz-Manor (editor), 2019
The Handbook of Asian Intelligence Cultures
Ryan Shaffer (editor), 2022
Dionysii Halicarnasei antiquitatum Romanarum quae supersunt. Vol. IV
Carolus Jacoby (editor), 1997