نتایج جستجو

Developing a Sense of Place: The Role of the Arts in Regenerating Communities
Tamara Ashley, Alexis Weedon, 2020
Maya Narrative Arts
Karen Bassie-Sweet, Nicholas A. Hopkins, 2019
Folk Arts and Crafts of Bengal: The Collected Papers
Gurusaday Dutta, 1990
Quantum Computing in the Arts and Humanities: An Introduction to Core Concepts, Theory and Applications
Eduardo Reck Miranda (editor), 2022
Quantum Computing in the Arts and Humanities: An Introduction to Core Concepts, Theory and Applications
Eduardo Reck Miranda (editor), 2022
Quantum Computing in the Arts and Humanities: An Introduction to Core Concepts, Theory and Applications
Eduardo Reck Miranda (editor), 2022
Le Japon Artistique: Japanese Floral Pattern Design in the Art Nouveau Era
Rachel Saunders (intro), Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 2011
Derek Walcott, the Journeyman Years, Volume 2: Performing Arts: Occasional Prose 1957-1974 (Cross/Cultures - Readings in Post/Colonial Literatures and Cultures in English, 172)
Christopher Balme (editor), Gordon Collier (editor), 2013
Thinking Out of Sight: Writings on the Arts of the Visible
Jacques Derrida; Joana Masó; Ginette Michaud; Javier Bassas; Laurent Milesi, 2021
Thinking Out of Sight: Writings on the Arts of the Visible
Jacques Derrida, Joana Masó (editor), Ginette Michaud (editor), Javier Bassas (editor), 2021
Three Medieval Rhetorical Arts
James Jerome Murphy, 1985
Against Value in the Arts and Education (Disruptions)
Sam Ladkin Senior LectureUniversity of Sheffield (editor), Robert McKay Senior LecturerUniversity of Sheffield (editor), Emile Bojesen Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Winchester (editor), 2016
Teaching the Arts: Early Childhood & Primary Education, 2nd ed
David Roy, Amy Hamilton, William Baker, 2015
Foundations of Expressive Arts Therapy: Theoretical and Clinical Perspectives
Stephen K. Levine; Ellen G. Levine, 1999
How To Draw Manga Volume 6: v. 6 - Martial Arts & Combat Sports
Hikaru Hayashi, 2002
How to Market the Arts: A Practical Approach for the 21st Century
Anthony S. Rhine, John Jay Pension, 2022
Strategy: Get Arts: 35 Artists Who Broke the Rules
Christian Weikop, 2021
Turfan Revisited: The First Century of Research into the Arts and Cultures of the Silk Road
Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst; Simone-Christiane Raschmann; Jens Wilkens; Marianne Yaldiz; Peter Zimme, 2004
Observing the World Through Images: Diagrams and Figures in the Early-Modern Arts and Sciences
Nicholas Jardine, Isla Fay, 2013
Disruptive Technologies in Media, Arts and Design
Alexiei Dingli, Alexander Pfeiffer, Alesha Serada, Mark Bugeja, Stephen Bezzina, 2022
GED Test Skill Builder: Language Arts, Reading
Learning Express, LLC, 2013
Access and Widening Participation in Arts Higher Education: Practice and Research
Samantha Broadhead, 2022